First, I am not advocating this, nor do I ever plan on doing it. I read on another site a handloader claiming gains in efficiency by blending. Can't post the link but will via PM. I hope a guy from Eastern Montana with a shit ton of loading and shooting experience will respond. Doesn't seem like...
I posted some years ago about a weed problem I have on my property with Buckhorn Plantain.Took some advice, spray knocked it down fairly well but I sprayed every spring, not in late Summer. Comes back with a vengeance after the hay is cut. This year is especially bad and it was sprayed this...
Seems like there are several versions of this. Looks like a good way to judge shooting skills. Anyone here ever done it? I'm gonna save milk jugs. mtmuley
I asked this years ago but never got into the trail cam game. Interested again and I bet things have changed. So what is the reccomendation for a reliable, easy to use economical camera? mtmuley
Not so much a post about where to hunt them, but what happened to the population that the Bitterroot Valley used to hold? There is one tag issued here Valley wide. I don't recall numbers but I know there were several tags issued in every drainage on the West side. I have a few folks I want to...