Dog limped up to me yesterday and collapsed while chukar hunting. Buddy and I were trying to figure out what was wrong. She had blood on her face. We found a chin cut in her. She got worse as she laid in front of us. We thought low blood sugar and tried to give her honey, snack bar and...
Swarovski NL Lure 10x42
Lightly used. I have another pair of binoculars I used last year. They spent the majority of last year stored in the original box.
Sons and a friend just spent our first couple days ladder fishing Pyramid Lake for its Lahontan Cutthroat trout. The world record cutty came from the lake and weighed 41 pounds. The lake is fished from ladders!
We arrive at a beach at first light to explore the first morning. We see an open...
Senate Bill 1143 would give the Idaho F&G Commission tools to regulate shed hunting. It has become a circus on the wintering grounds.
I’m going to upgrade by binos from Swaro 8.5x42 ELs to NL Pures. Love my ELs but I made the mistake of looking out of NLs. I’m trying to decide between 8x42, 10x42 or 12x42. I’ll buy the forehead rest.
I currently have 15x56s and 65 ATS I use too.
My understanding is the Field of View is...
I’m going to build a reloading bench over Christmas break. I’m looking for ideas.
Can you guys post pics of your benches? Let me know any tips you might have.
It’ll just be for rifle reloading to start.
My son ordered the barrel while at Army AIT training. He decided to go a different route once he got home. NIB, it’s never been fitted to a rifle. These barrels are designed to be screwed on easily to a Tikka.
Brand New X caliber new in box never used tikka pre-fit 280 AI barrel.
I’m experienced at spring bear hunting but fall bears sightings have always been by coincidence as I did other hunts.
I’m going to spend some time in the next few weeks hunting fall bear.
I glasses some this weekend with no luck. All my spring areas are dry and the only fall berries I found...
Winchester model 70 extreme weather ss in 264 win mag. Less than 50 rounds through the gun. Super clean and super accurate. The Talley one piece school rings are included with the rifle. The scope and sling shown in photos are not. I am also selling all the reloading gear needed to reload for...
It looks like Idaho is moving forward to restrict non-resident opportunities and prices.
As some of you may recall, Devon Deer (Richard) picked my name out of the internet hat to hunt deer in England with him. Later Lee Cooper offered to include a few days in Norfolk to the trip.
Timing and schedules prevented my family from joining me on the trip. I hunted six days do it’s a lot...
My son was lucky and drew a controlled bear tag in Idaho. Most of Idaho is OTC (which is great) but spot and stalk hunters have to complete with baiters and houndsmen. The controlled hunt is S&S only. We saw a good amount of bears. Some were too small or sows with some we couldn’t reach. We...
I had the Metcalf sold earlier but the sizing was wrong for the buyer. I'm now willing to break-up the set for a sale.
I have a 1st Gen Metcalf I'd like to sell. Small Belt & Large Yoke. $400 TYD.
No blood, no stains, very little wear/fabric abrasion.
Comes with the following:
- Left and...
For sale Mystery Ranch NICE Frame in coyote brown with the hip pockets attached, day lid, Metcalf in CB and 6500 bag in CB. Frame is large yoke with small belt.
Would prefer to sell as a package, no trades and Paypal preferred.
$650 for everything!
This is great news! Thanks RMEF from an Idaho elk hunter.