Search results

  1. ashersdad

    Great Wyoming season

    Going into the Wyoming draws, I was pretty sure one of my boys would draw elk, and that would be it for our Wyoming hunts this year. I was pleasantly surprised when both boys drew elk and completely shocked when Asher also drew deer and antelope. I told him to enjoy this year because it was...
  2. ashersdad

    Last hike before empty nest

    My youngest will be off to college in two weeks and the wife and I will be empty nesters. Got one last hiking trip in this week before he's gone.
  3. ashersdad

    Wall tent vs tipi tent

    Here's our situation. We do a 7-9 day elk hunt every year in the same area. Our camp is 8 miles from the trailhead and we have horses. Our group is usually 4 or 5 guys. We have always had 2 wall tents, 2 big wood stoves, cots, etc to make a very plush camp. The issue is, the tents and...
  4. ashersdad

    Alaska Super Seven Big Game Raffle/Brown Bear

    Flying home from a great week in Costa Rica with the family and I had a voicemail from a nice lady at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Thought someone was playing a joke on me. My wife and boys thought I was having a heart attack listening to the message. 😂 Guess it was really my lucky...
  5. ashersdad

    Family whitetail hunt

    My Dad has never been into hunting, but as he's gotten older he's seemed more interested in hearing about me and my brother's adventures. So this year we decided to see if he wanted to go chase whitetails with us. He readily agreed although he would just be a spectator as he had no desire to...
  6. ashersdad

    One day Wyoming hunt

    My brother and I got lucky in the Wyoming antelope draw this year. Unfortunately his schedule made it difficult to get away and we would only have a day to hunt and it would be a few weeks after the season opened. I shouldn't have been too concerned because Wyoming antelope hunting is just...
  7. ashersdad

    Consolation coho

    Had a tuna trip out of Ilwaco, WA get cancelled two days before the trip this week so I quickly found someone that could take us out for coho in Newport, OR. It was super rough waters, but we managed to limit out on some beautiful coho before getting too sick.
  8. ashersdad

    Boy's fishing trip 2023

    The Alaska boy's trip has become a family tradition that we'll hopefully continue for many years to come. We lost a day to weather but found a late run of sockeye that made up for it. Alaska in the Summer is hard to beat.
  9. ashersdad

    Mountain goats kill dogs Thought this was interesting.
  10. ashersdad

    Another grizzly killed...

    This is getting old...
  11. ashersdad

    Honda Trail 90

    Growing up my Dad had an old Honda trail 90 that he loved and taught us kids how to ride it. I ended up driving that bike all over duck and pheasant hunting with my shotgun under my butt. My siblings and I decided to surprise my Dad with the "new" version. Hope he likes it.
  12. ashersdad

    WY GEN elk pics

    With all the talk of people burning their WY elk points I thought it would be fun to see some GEN elk pics. I’ve never saved my points in WY and try to draw the GEN tag as often as I can.
  13. ashersdad

    CVA Paramount pro question

    Just received my new paramount pro yesterday and when I dropped the ramrod down the barrel I found this in it? I thought it was loaded at first. Is this normal? Not even sure what it is?
  14. ashersdad

    Short hunt in Wyoming

    My twin brother drew a Wyoming deer tag this year and I was probably more excited than he was. My brother is awesome and insists that we hunt together even though he lives way closer to Wyoming than I do and could easily hunt without me. We had planned to go for opening weekend but work got in...
  15. ashersdad

    Alaska fishing

    Took my boys and met my Dad and brother for a quick couple days of Alaska fishing. Silvers weren’t running like years past, but still plenty of fun fishing action. Got to see 3 bears up close which was cool. Had one follow us for over a mile out on the beach when we were walking back to the...
  16. ashersdad

    Cabo fishing

    Took the family to Cabo a couple weeks ago and took a day to do some fishing. Had a great trip and enough action to keep things interesting. Are teenagers ever excited to get up early?
  17. ashersdad

    Throwing away a bear hide?

    I currently have 4 bear hides in the freezer (sons and my own). Already have several rugs and more hides than I can count. Don't really want to spend $149/foot to have them tanned to just add to the already too big pile of hides. But, in my mind it just seems wrong to toss them. The hunts...
  18. ashersdad

    Wolverine in Utah

    Always been fascinated with wolverines so I thought this was pretty cool.
  19. ashersdad

    Ammo for snow geese?

    Haven't waterfowl hunted in years and got invited to hunt snow geese in Idaho. What size shot and brand do most of you use for geese? I have a Benelli Nova that will take 3 1/2" shells and my trusty 35 year old model 870 that will take 3" shells. I prefer the 870. Looking online it looks...
  20. ashersdad

    Kodiak deer

    My 15 yr old didn’t draw any tags this year so I decided to take him deer hunting on Kodiak. We had a great adventure. We lost three days to weather and had temperatures below zero every day. Almost lost our tent on one of the weather days, but were able to reconstruct it with branches for...