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  1. D

    West Virginia 2017

    A view from my perch Clean pass through As he lay Not much ground shrinkage Cleaned up Chillin with the beans The reward!
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    Ohio Public Land

    "What" I was hoping to find "What" I was hoping to see "What" I am thankful for!
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    Colorado / private land

    Im a bit confused on hunting regulations governing private property and private property tags. there is a small piece of private property maybe 20-40ac.that is surrounded by state forest land within a GMU the tract is mostly an open hillside with a small pocket of aspen certainly not enough land...
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    Solar energy initiatives on public lands

    The Energy and Interior departments this week announced what they called a major step for solar energy initiatives on public lands. The final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for solar energy development will serve as a roadmap for large-scale projects, laying out existing and...
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    Protect your Memories

    I would like to share a tragic loss story and hopefully everyone can learn from the situation, thank God it was only a loss of property and not life! But could be considered “one’s life” Since learning on the Waldo Canyon fire my wife and I have been franticly trying to contact some very good...
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    Scallop season

    20 gallons of Fla. bay scallops
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    Big Belts

    I have accepted an invitation to hunt the (central) big belts this year for Elk/Mule deer on a general tag, I have hunted Montana in the past but never in this area. One of the reasons I am hunting this area is that i will be joining a good friend, his Father-in-law who is 72 and his Uncle who...
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    Eberlestock J34 "just one"

    anybody have any experience with this pack? I can pick one up very cheap from a buddy, just kinda had my sights on the MR CC I know there is allot of support for MR around here just curious whether the cost savings would be worth it or regretted. I can get it for $150 damn near brand new...
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    Guy mistakenly shoots gal pal on romantic hog-hunting date A Florida man probably wishes he had taken his girlfriend bowling instead of hog hunting after he accidentally mistook her for a hog and shot her. Steven Egan thought he had just nailed one of the creatures and headed off to locate it...
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    New addition to the Family..... are not the best
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    pure genius is coupling an interactive web-site with a T.V. show! awesome concept how cool is it to get the blow by blow from the field and then watch it all unfold before your eyes on T.V. too cool Randy and a bit of Marketing Genius. I must say I used to hang-out here allot for basically...
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    here Kitty

    guess there's no shortage in Mo. e-mail said south of Edina Mo. pretty cool photos for sure!!
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    Cool buck! (pic)

    got this in an e-mail killed in Schmalts land!
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    Kill or Harvest

    Usually I would say kill but this is literally a harvest!
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    2008 Ky

    Crappy trailer pic but all I have!
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    Greenhorn Moose hunt

    I am not sure if this has aired before or not but Big Game Profiles 2008 shiras moose hunt...with Greenhorn was absolutely awesome..if you havent seen it try to catch it! too cool! congrats Kurt thats a well deserved bull of lifetime..looks bigger on TV then in the pics!
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    this buck was truck killed in Alma Wisconsin a few days ago DNR says that high protein levels in from corn is the culprit.............crazy lookin.....hell most here could even track this deer :D
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    ??? for the serious deer hunters

    I usually stay out of the pissin matches hear but i have a few questions to ask those who have been busting ithica's balls on his tracking comments. 1. If Larry himself would have made the same post would you all have said WTF ????? 2. have any of you actually ever heard the Benoits speak of...
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    colorad unit 45

    Anybody ever hunted there ?? and what did you think ??
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    2005 whitetail season (pics)

    this is was by far the very best year bowhunting whitetails that i have ever had. I hunted 3 states was fortunate enough to fill 3 tags with very nice whitetails all with the very same arrow shaft !!! :) Aug. 2nd i had the second back surgery in 3 years and was facing another season without...

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