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  1. Gunner46

    Trunk Monkey

  2. Gunner46

    Friday Tunes

    Today it's going be: Powerful Female Vocalist. Here's one of my favorites artist.
  3. Gunner46

    The 70's Show

    You were expecting Donna, weren't ya ! Mr. Peabody's Way Back Machine.
  4. Gunner46

    Mom's Worst....

    Yeah Good Ol' Mom came through for all the tough times...Boo Boo's...G/F heartbreaks...stretching the $ during hard times...BUT. Here are a few of Mom's WORST ! Aunt Sharon's Chili: Water, ground turkey, white beans, Chili powder. Aunt Sharon's Hawaii Sweet & Sour: 2 full packs of rice...
  5. Gunner46

    Clogged kitchen drain, confusing results

    I've been trying to clear it for 2 days now. Both sinks backed up. So, I clear the left side and scoop most of the water, slam with some Drano crystals and let it sit for an appropriate amount of time. Next the plunger. Hard down and gush it up. NADA. Repeat. Now, the Right side drains, not...
  6. Gunner46

    Car Fixes

    If something goes weird with your car for no apparent the cruise control going out for no apparent reason, the check engine light coming on and the anti-skip light doing the same.... Do a You-Tube search on your model/make/ year car, before you run to an Auto Mech. All the above...
  7. Gunner46


    I'm replicating my USMC original issue gear (Vietnam). Current project is my M1A. My Springfield has a synthetic stock, I was issued the old wood stock M14. Karma comes together once in a blue moon and I stumbled upon another Marine doing the same, but his is for Desert Storm. Any-who he sold...
  8. Gunner46


    Regardless of how monumental the sacrifice our Dad's went out of their way to do in order to do the absolute Best for us.....sometimes my Uncles came through, when I needed to be a young man and not a son. Allow me to introduce a couple. Art: Lived closest to us. Army vet, grunt Bad Ass ...
  9. Gunner46

    Free online poker

    Help a Bro out. I lost my online game when my last laptop fried and now can't seem to find it. Know of a good one?
  10. Gunner46

    Springfield M1A issue

    Have any of you had this problem? New, out of box, and too tight to disassemble & reassemble. I trained with a M14, in the Corps, but I had to become Hercules just to disengage the trigger guard for dis-assembly and now I can't get the trigger housing to re-engage. It's just won't engage...
  11. Gunner46

    5 Movies

    5 movies you've watched at least 5 times... ~ All That Jazz ~ An Awkward Sexual Adventure (Canadian) ~ Saving Private Ryan (took 4X just to get me past the beach scene) ~ Secondhand Lions ~ Red Dawn
  12. Gunner46

    PA Elk 2023

    How many of you numb nuts, besides me, are going to throw wasted $'s into a pipe dream ?
  13. Gunner46

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

    During weekdays I don't take I77 to get back home from work. 7AM traffic is insane. I cut over to Medina Line road and take a calm 45 MPH cruise through the farms. Yeah it adds 5 min's but WTF. This morning I was rolling along on cruise control and noticed a Red Jeep approaching the road along...
  14. Gunner46

    M1A Springfield

    Just bought one. Sound off to your ammo choice, accuracy, likes/dislikes...
  15. Gunner46

    Grab A Gun

    Has anyone, besides me, had any issues with their 'new' customer service ? ALL orders must be automated. No phone orders with a human service agent. I was sent a confirmation e-mail, with a tracking number, but not the shipper. Had a problem with my last order getting through & their CS rep...
  16. Gunner46


    I never knew.. DID YOU? If any of you have ever been to a military funeral in which taps was played; this brings out a new meaning of it. We in the United States have all heard the haunting song, 'Taps...' It's the song that gives us the lump in our throats and usually tears in our eyes. But, do...
  17. Gunner46

    Happy Birthday Fred & thanks Ted for the Tribute.
  18. Gunner46

    2023 March Madness

    OK !!! Let's 'er a'goin !! Yahoo format again? Who's in ?