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  1. P

    Pup dispersal

    How far do the pups go? Is there studies on this? I remember reading that some stay around close, is there truth to this? Normal litters of 4 to 7? What is the survival rate up to weaning age? Reason for asking is that most of our stands are on places that we hunt every year, not alot of...
  2. P

    pics of sticks

    SeldomEver, Sorry that it took me so long to get the pics on the shooting sticks.
  3. P

    How long before you change bait?

    Lets say you call a stand and either you get busted, or nothing comes. In the next few trips that you call that stand/place, How long before you change the sounds/normal routine that you are using? later pup
  4. P

    The problem with Slydogs calls............

    Is how in the heck can I take this beautiful call out in the woods?? I got in the new howler, first of its kind. Thanks bud. Thanks also for the other stuff. , I had the squeaker, but the open reed rocks, I put some stuff in the mail Friday , should be there by Thursday. later pup

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