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  1. Y

    2004 Tennessee Gun

    Well went out this morning at around 6:00 got in the stand at about 6:30 and set there for about until about 9:30 and what seemed like a slow morning got interesting really fast when ever a 7-pointer came trotting in and stopped at about 50 yds. It looked like a pretty good buck so i decided...
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    Muzzleloader Success

    Well this after noon after gettin back from scouting for my hunt next weekend me and meathead decided to go muzzleloader hunting. After adjusting the rail on my tripod i got everything ready. After only about an hour i spotted a doe crossing the road only about 50 yds in front of me. I didn't...
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    Muzzleloader Success

    Well this after noon after gettin back from scouting for my hunt next weekend me and meathead decided to go muzzleloader hunting. After adjusting the rail on my tripod i got everything ready. After only about an hour i spotted a doe crossing the road only about 50 yds in front of me. I didn't...
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    Muzzleloader Pics {head shot}

    Well this morning i woke up and it was raining a little but we decided to go any way so i got to the tree climbed up the tree and set there until about 8:00 and i heard the leaves rustling over the sound of the rain so i figured it was probably a deerso i got ready then i saw this doe come off...
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    Well Total count 2 me and 2 for my buddy,Weston. Here is Saturdays story, So we went out there this morning and Meathead, Mikey B., my buddie, and me in a big shooting house and the fog was so thick we couldn't see 30 yds in front of us until 10 AM we set there until 12 and so me and mikey b...
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    Meathead muzzleloader success

    Wel this afternoon Meathead picked me up from school to go hunting on the opening day of muzzleloader We got in the stand at about 4:30 knowing the deer wouldn't move til late and at about 6:05 Meathead shot this 4 pointer I also had a little bad luck i missed a doe at about 100 yds
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    Juvenile Hunt Results

    Well Total count 2 me and 2 for my buddy,Weston. Here is Saturdays story, So we went out there this morning and Meathead, Mikey B., my buddie, and me in a big shooting house and the fog was so thick we couldn't see 30 yds in front of us until 10 AM we set there until 12 and so me and mikey b...
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    Bad Weekend

    Well weekend was the opening weekend of bow but i got drew on a WMA gun hunt. So at about 5:30 me and Mikey B. went huntin because my dad is will Bill in Wyoming on his elk hunt So we drove to our fields and got out and walked in well their was some where we were goin to hunt so we went a futher...
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    my first year of turkey hunting, got any pointers

    Well this is my first year of turkey hunting so i just figured i'd see if anyone had any pointers for me
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    The first deer kill story for you

    What was your first deer kill story. Mine was when i was eight years old during muzzleloader season. I had been huting a couple of times before but never had shot one. Dad picked me up from scholl eary to get in the woods in good time. We walked to the tree stand on the food plot. We set there...
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    Meathead and Flipper start off the new year right

    Flipper and Meathead started off the new new year right by blasting 6 pheasants.
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    My doe

    Here is my doe that i took: Here is the story: well Me and mikey b. drove down to the lease and got there about 6 A.M. sunday morning. My sister(deerchik) had killed one saturday morning so we decided to go set where she set. we got every thing ready and got to the tree about 6:15 and we set...
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    Deerchik's deer

    Here is my sis(deerchik) deer for the year: here is the first: The second: And the third: And here is the story: well i guess i'll tell you about my deer adventure,we were in the woods about 45 minutes and 4 deer came out, well the hunt i was on you were allowed 1 doe & 1 buck. well...
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    My very first bow kill!!

    Here is my very first bow kill at age 13: here is the story: Well as ya'll know my dad was with my sister on the WMA hunt where she killed the 8 pointer and the doe so one of his friends volennteered to take me. Well i heard someting moving behind me and i turned and about 25 yds behind me...

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