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  1. T

    what happened here

    |oo i remember a few years ago when this site was about hunting. if you met someone off this board you talked about hunting or went hunting. today we have 20 hunting related forums, to which no one could possiblly relate to all of them. and we have 10 forums that dont have 1 damn thing to do...
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    off again.

    i am taking my son out for another round of rambo pig hunting this weekend.last weekend we only got 2 at the wind was so bad we couldnt hear the dogs bay.hopefully this weekend will be much better :D
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    no more otr driving for me

    since i have been home i have been looking for something to keep me home every night and still pay my bills.i went down monday and put in an application at the budweiser distributor. it appears i will finally be able to sleep with my wife every night and i ill be off on the weekends. hump now...
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    think leasing is bad

    i saw this advertised in georgia the other day.i thought it was large tracts of land to buy but its sall tracts with community land to sure you check out the prices they claim they have even sold some
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    finally in alaska

    not quite in kodiak but i wil be on the way shortly. im in anchorage now and will be meeting mt miller at 4 in kodiak
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    72 days in case you care

    for all of you who have been cheering me on as i quit smoking. sunday when we hit the beach in alaska will be 75 days. i can breathe better but i still dont want to run from one so if one gets after me someones getting shot in the foot so i can get away :D . thanks for the support so many of you...
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    2 days and a wake up

    meeting 1pointer and mtmiller on friday.i am all packed except clothes that are going in today.woohoo im stoked hump
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    first blood

    monday was south carolinas opening day.i took my second oldest son and quick draw out in search of swamp one saw anything in the morning but on the evening hunt quick draw saw a doe and 2 fawns and at 8:20 2 small bucks walked out and i had a shot at the bigger one.i hit him in the...
  9. T

    first blood

    monday was south carolinas opening day.i took my second oldest son and quick draw out in search of swamp one saw anything in the morning but on the evening hunt quick draw saw a doe and 2 fawns and at 8:20 2 small bucks walked out and i had a shot at the bigger one.i hit him in the...
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    whitetail opener is monday

    taking my wife, quick draw and my boys to see if we cant get a summertime buck. with 5 stands covered we should have a decent chance at seeing a buck or 2.quick draw drew a muley tag this year so maybe she could get all the major deer species by november
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    someone in Wa is getting old

    happy birthday hunterman.dont celebrate to hard hump
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    ft stewart georgia

    some of you know that quick draw has asked me to take her pig hunting.yesterday i finally got the was 78 degrees at 5:30 in the morning and we were off.we found alot of rooting but no hogs rooting.hunted hard all day.QD wasnt afraid to go anywhere, if i stepped in the swamp she was...
  13. T

    back on the wagon

    many of you know that i have stuggled with smoking and tried to quit often.on the 4th of july i joined an online support group and bought some commit lozenges and now i am on day 3.going through this with other people who are at the same point as me somehow makes it less painful.i know there are...
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    key deer

    these deer are the smallest of all deer in the whitetail species even smaller than the couses deer and i have heard they are the smallest deer in north america.for those not farmiliar they are an endangered deer found only on big pine key florida with an occasional stragler onto the adjoining...
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    does anyone load for this?what recipe do you use.any suggestions are appreciated.
  16. T

    exotics escape

    the other day i was coming home through western florida.i saw a chain gang working on the side of the road and noticed a aoudad standing there watching them.i am sure it escaped from a game farm in the area but i was wondering what would happen if several of these escaped and began breeding in...
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    happy graduation day

    orca lover graduates today.i want to congradulate her and wish her a prosperous future. this young lady has a good head on her shoulders, suportive parents and should go a long way in life.
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    3 more months

    our kodiak trip is coming up getting really excited and i know the rest of our group is too. hump
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    where is everyone tonight. i am in there now lets chat
  20. T

    had dinner with gundog

    we took a motorcycle ride in the keys and had dinner. hes a nice guy and anyone visiting the keys should look him up.

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