PEAX Equipment

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  1. D

    Da Freak

    This future big buck has a messed up hip and broken back leg. Think I've heard an njury on the left side equates to a messed up right antler and vice versa.
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    Early Summer Velvet

    A few pics taken recently... Not velvet but still photogenic...
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    Out of Africa

    The trip to Africa was amazing and I have to admit it far exceeded all my expectations. Most of the critters were not of trophy caliber but were all I was hoping for.... good representatives of each species and I was very happy with the outcome. We had a rocky beginning and the trip was in...
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    Don't Tread on me!

    This was sent by a Police Officer in Southern California! This fine upstanding member, of the infamous 18th Street LA gang, decided one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point. The gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion, and stuck a gun in the...
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    Name That Eye Game

    I'm sure Moosie will put up some valuable prizes to the winner of the game so everyone give it a try. You may walk away from this with a Hunttalk hat :(
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    Advancement in Hunting equipment

    What do you think have been some of the best innovations and advancements in hunting equipment in the past 25-30 years? I think the use of Goretex and some of the other fabrics in hunting clothes has helped greatly. Rangefinders and GPS units? Others?
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    OSOK's Monster Whitetail

    Here are a few pics of OSOK's deer, congrats on a helluva buck! Lets hear the story....
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    OSOK's Monster Whitetail

    Here are a few pics of OSOK's deer, congrats on a helluva buck! Lets hear the story....
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    Big Trashy buck pictures

    Here are a few non-typicals I thought you might want to see. Thanks for looking... AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
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    Muley Horn Porn

    Some pics from the past week.... Thanks for looking.
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    Velvet and more velvet pictures

    Here are a few pics taken recently....
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    Critter Pictures (Test)

    Trying a test with a few pics....enjoy if they work, blame Moosie if they don't...
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    Boman's Colorado Deer

    Here are a few pictures of Boman's nice Colorado buck. Congrats on a great deer Michael!!
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    Boman's Colorado Deer

    Here are a few pictures of Boman's nice Colorado buck. Congrats on a great deer Michael!!
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    Timberline Critter pictures

    Here are a few elk pictures from last weekend in my hunting area. There were 4 big bulls in this group. Also some muley pictures I'll post here cuz I'm to lazy to post them in the deer forum.
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    High Country Critters (pics)

    Was out last weekend getting a little exercise, scouting, and taking a few pictures....
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    Gobbler Hat-Trick (pics)

    A few pictures from this springs turkey trips....First pic: Colorado turkey with 10.5 inch beard and 1 inch spurs Second pic: Wyoming turkey with 8.5 inch beard and 1.25 inch spurs Third pic: South Dakota turkey with 7 inch beard .
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    Gobbler Hat-Trick (pics)

    A few pictures from this springs turkey trips....First pic: Colorado turkey with 10.5 inch beard and 1 inch spurs Second pic: Wyoming turkey with 8.5 inch beard and 1.25 inch spurs Third pic: South Dakota turkey with 7 inch beard .
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    Goin' to Texas y'all

    Going to hunt Texas for Blackbuck, Sika and Fallow and whatever else. Any recommendations on caliber size for these critters? Also, are rifles legal for turkey there? Thanks for the info....
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    BIG Bears

    Thought you might enjoy seeing some of my buddys bears taken the last few years. The big cinamon weighed 508 lbs., the big blackie by himself weighed 470 lbs. Not sure the weight of the 3rd.

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