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  1. M

    2004 season pics

    Well, the season has been over for me for a while but the adventures on teh board kept me goin'! (Thanks!!) It's time for me to get some work done so I can fund next year's exploits... :) I had a blast this year and some of the best moments were watching friends out there!... taking my bro on...
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    Buck down....waaaay down.

    Well, I managed to find the biggest nastiest hole and proceeded to shoot a buck down in it... Luckily he was tiny...
  3. M

    oops wrong forum

    [No message]
  4. M

    Opening day ELK...

    Well, on the rifle opener my pard couldn't get away from work, so I drove solo all night to be sitting on that muley ridge as darkness faded. I was in my favourite valley that we got to know intimitely last year – where after several trips and a dozen days, right at the end of the season, my...
  5. M

    Opening day ELK...

    Well, on the rifle opener my pard couldn't get away from work, so I drove solo all night to be sitting on that muley ridge as darkness faded. I was in my favourite valley that we got to know intimitely last year – where after several trips and a dozen days, right at the end of the season, my...
  6. M

    GRIZZ Hunt - Spring 2004

    Well, after numerous requests, I finally decided to accompany my friend who had a grizzly tag. He is as hardcore as they get and had already made two trips out and spend 8 days in the alder jungles that the big bears call home. His first trip included a 22 km round trip snowshoe/ski into the...
  7. M

    Little cinnamon bear - PIC

    Here's a little dink that my friend shot 2 years ago. I'd say he was over 400 lbs, but we all know I'd be lyin' ;) Apparently, he knew where the Crispy Creams were... :eek:
  8. M

    Judging Bears??? pics

    I bet that bears have probably surprised hunters with amazing ground SHRINKAGE, more than anything else! (except for Mrs. Moosie on her wedding night! :eek: ) I chased a few bears last year and had a blast! :D :D (Some of the pics were taken in infra-red, so they're pretty...
  9. M

    Cougar Season (pics)

    Since I'm getting that itch for bruins, I've started checking this site for motivational pics. It was a long winter, but between work and skiing, I managed to get out hunting a couple of times to chase some pussycats. It was my first time out with dogs and it was a blast (and the hardest...
  10. M

    OO got a Bear???? (pic)

    Hey Boys, It's been a long winter and I'm starting to get that itch. Went out the other night for my first time this year, lookin' for bruins. I was up pretty high and there's still some snow around. Saw some whiteys, a turkey, and a few bears. There was a mom and cubs, and this other...
  11. M

    Elk Sheds

    Hey boys, I was out a few weeks ago and found a few whitey sheds on a cougar hunt. I did see a 10 point bonehead still running around with his on. When do elk usually drop em? I've never looked for elk sheds... Here's a pic:
  12. M

    1st Cougar - Pics

    I managed to get out a couple of times this winter with a friend of mine who's been hunting cats for 19 years. I got lucky both times that I went out and we got on cats. Here's a few pics of the first one that I thought you might enjoy (it's a bit steamy in the cave)...
  13. M

    XXX Pussy Pics

    (put that kleenex away ;) I managed to get out a couple of times this winter with my pussy chasin' fanatic - buddy. I got lucky - 2 fer 2... Here's the link to the photo gallery on his website: Here are a couple of pics from the...
  14. M


    Well boys, after a couple months of coughing up lungs, pickin' ticks, crawin' through weeds, bargaining with the wife, and taking pics of the ones that got away.....I FINALLY took a shot with my bow at a little furball!! He looked a little bigger than a placemat, but it's hard to focus...
  15. M

    Bigger than a placemat? (pics)

    Out last night with the kid (my new lucky hunting charm) and ran into this little guy in a spot that I've been saving... I tried to close the gap last night, but with this guy I may have to reconsider my bow or bust... Any guesses on the size of the RED BLOB??? <FONT...
  16. M

    To stalk or not to stalk...(pics)

    I've been watching this cinnamon on a power line, on the other side of this HOLE for a couple of weeks, but it's too small to chase, even with my bow. Well last night, with 30 min of light left, I glassed the hill and spotted what I thought was a decent boar in it's spot (finally...) Well I...
  17. M

    Day or Night??? Poll

    A) How often does everyone hunt bears in the evenings or the mornings? B) How many bears have you shot in each? Me - A) 100% Evenings B)Evening 1 / Morning 0 I used to go out in the mornings, but never saw much...
  18. M

    Air under his bellly #&*!!

    After looking over 10 bears I went back for a cinnamon, but wasn't sure how big, until it snowed and finally got a look at the #&*!! air under his belly... doh~! ...keep lookin... Well last night, went back a favorite salad bar 10 min. before dark and found this guy in a spot I usually pass...
  19. M

    Look like a shooter???

    1st day out spot n stalk...nice thick cinnamon rug tempted my bow, but... How big (or small) would ya figure... <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-09-2003 01:24: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>
  20. M

    HEADHUNTER at large...(warning GORY pics)

    I haven't been on the board for a while, but I just got this fugged-up e-mail and had to share...:eek: :confused: ...apparently he was walking through the woods, eating an apple and met up with William Tell's kid who'd been smokin' crack... <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-06-2002...
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