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  1. R

    Bear Den

    Today Bobcat and I went to check out a bear den he found last week. The bears were there recently but now they are gone. Too bad they weren’t still around. You can see all the Salal and Sword Ferns that were tore up and placed into the hollowed out stump. From the inside looking out...
  2. R

    Bear Beds

    Bear beds Here is a bed that I found about 3 weeks ago. This bed is next to and under a large tree. You can see the claw marks on this root that is at the top of the bed. I took this pic a few feet away from the bed. A couple weeks ago while scouting I came across another bear bed but...
  3. R

    Stomach contents

    Not sure how many of you do this, but I try to cut open the stomach of as many bears as I can, especially when we are not sure what they are feeding on. Years ago I saw the contents of 3 bears that were killed the same week within a couple miles of each other and they all had completely...
  4. R

    Wife's 2009 WA spring bear.

    Beth’s Spring Bear 2009 We have been hunting pretty hard for 6 weeks without a bear sighting and the sign is drying up. Bears had been feeding pretty hard on grass in a couple spots, but we could never run into them and now their diets are changing to trees and grubs. Most of our hunts were...
  5. R

    Killbilly's 2009 WA Spring Bear

    I drove down the highway without any idea where we were going while killbilly talked on his cell phone. Both hogsniper and Jerome had told killbilly about an area and I had a slight idea where it was but I wanted to take a look at a small unit just north of there. We stopped for a minute and...
  6. R

    A few 2009 WA bear pics.

    We still have a month to go in Washington before our general season starts but we got a couple in the spring season and I have seen a few more. I do have a couple stories typed up on the two spring bears if anyone is interested. Friends 2009 WA spring bear Wife’s 2009 WA spring bear Wild...
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    Bobcat's first yote of 2009

    We went to an area that Bobcat had scouted, but never hunted. When we got there we quickly noticed that it had recently been logged nearby. I wanted to take a look “over the hill” and found a downhill slope that was logged with reprod along the right side. The wind was light from our left to...
  8. R

    Dog Gone Ugly.

    Dog Gone Ugly First thing this morning I was out in the CF and right off the bat I was on some fresh coyote tracks in the snow. I quickly set up and called for about 5 minutes but nothing showed up. A half hour later I was completing a loop and found snowed in tracks coming back to where I had...
  9. R

    Second 2008 WA bear, story and pics.

    Thursday October 16th 2008. So Michelle and I planned on hunting Thursday after work and I was hoping to put her on a buck. After a few phone calls to my wife about who would pick up our son from daycare I was loading the truck and heading to Michelle's by 4 pm. Michelle was basically ready...
  10. R

    Bear Down! Labor Day Weekend 2008

    Sunday August 31st The morning started out colder then the last couple but we were up and out of camp by 5:30 am. We spread out and set up on an old cut that we saw a bear in the morning before. The cut is large but has a couple of ridges and draws that make it hard to see the whole area. We...
  11. R

    ATT: WA hunters need your help.

    Washington hunters could really use some help and support right now. The F&W Dept is proposing to close down all public lands to hunting in August. The proposed closure includes all state and federal lands. This is a knee jerk reaction to an unfortunate shooting incident last fall. Proposal...
  12. R

    Any good sausage recipes out there?

    Well this year was fairly good to us as three of us got three deer, two elk and a bear. After some steaks, burger, jerky, and canned meat, we still have about 150lbs of meat for sausage and I am wondering if anyone has a favorite recipe. In the past we have made Italian Sweet and breakfast sausage.
  13. R

    Some pics.....

    I was dinking with my digital camera today and thought I would post some pics. Let me know what ya think.
  14. R


    Finally I found a place to post pics for free... As some of you know, I called in a bear on the 10th of August and some have asked for pics. There are 4 pictures so I hope they don't take too long to load. I called this bear to within 30 yards in thick brush with a cow call. She weighed 150#...

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