Kenetrek Boots

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  1. M

    The legend continues....

    There's a spot about a mile from my house here where a old power line runs up along the river.A spot we have always hunted is at pole #9.Perfect place to sit....little stream crosses 200 yds before it dumps into the river.Both sides of the stream are thick stands of jackfir and cedar.I shot a...
  2. M

    Hungry bears

    Been feedin bears for a month now.32 baits out all gettin hammered.Fed out 75 buckets of meat an grease an over 30 barrels of donuts.29 hunters comin over the next 4 weeks.Got 3 bears on trail cams that go over 400 lbs.....1 that may go 500.Life is busy....but it sure is fun.Been away from this...
  3. M

    Its been a long time....

    sure spent some time here back when.Nice to see some familiar names again.Hope all is goin well for everyone. How many kids do ya have now Moosie?Ya must be up to at least 8 by now.:D I'll be back again soon....been travelin the country workin on boilers tryin to keep my 4 younguns fed,clothed...
  4. M

    So where the heck is....

    Rowley Junction Utah.Is it small enough so they never bothered to put it ona map or what?
  5. M

    Hello stupids!!!!!

    Just made it back online yesstidday after the kids blew the puter up late this summer.Sure missed readin the happenins of everyone in the land of the pan. Moosie....thats 1 hell of an awesome family you have there. Good to be back where everybodies twice as strange as anywhere else.:D
  6. M

    Howdy howdy

    Been a long time since I said hello.Been stoppin by...but busy as heck lately. Livin in Zephyrhills Fla now....aint missin the cold frozen north country too much. :D TNCTCB an DKO....I still got your phone numbers....gonna call 1 of these notso hectic days. Moosie....if you ever find...
  7. M

    JB Florida...

    Does this guy still stop by here?? Seems I recall him bein a real estate dude...I sure need to talk to him.He been around here lately?
  8. M

    What will I....

    be able to kill in Florida? Besides dozens of 6-packs in all that heat. :D
  9. M

    We beat HSUS!!!!

    The People of Maine defeated a ballot initiative to make it illegal to bear hunt over bait,hunt bears with hounds,and trap bears. Yes-47% No-53% Rainin today...but it couldnt be more beautiful in my book!!!! HSUS....Take your sorry asses home an keep them there!!! :cool: ;) :D
  10. M

    Hay Hay

    just picked up a sweeeet little Ruger M77/44 magnum bolt that I won ina raffle.My 14 yo boy already laid claim to it. :D She wont launch em hillside to hillside like you Western Cats shoot....but it'll sure as hell bring death to the swamps here in Northern Maine. :D :cool...
  11. M

    Countdowns over

    Its a retired man from Pa an his wife here for the week.Both bowhunters....great people....hope they stick a big 1 this afternoon. :D :cool:
  12. M

    Hay Moosie

    Feedin lotsa bears...some bigguns.Ya still lookin fora 400#? :D
  13. M

    Hey DKO

    Their gonna draw our permits today buddy.We'll be huntin the big boys this fall. :D
  14. M


    Are ya ready for that moose permit this year?I hope ya get that tag man.
  15. M


    Hows things goin for ya?Hope them Bowater dudes are treatin ya OK. :D
  16. M

    I still say.....

    TurkeyEye is the baddest buckslayer in this hole joint.HAIL HAIL the young man.You rock kid!!! Get Dad off his duff to send ya up here next sept for a bearhunt.
  17. M

    Good evenin Stupids.....

    Man I love that line. Kids blew the dam puter up a mth ago,so aint been around much.Only time I been here was just long enuff to tell Turkeyeye he is THE MAN.Way to go TE.Thats a helluva young man you got there Nut and Vipe.Hope everyone is spendin some time in the timber.Happy huntin.
  18. M

    Maines second annual Youth Day...

    Deer hunt is this comin Saturday.My 13 yo is waaayyyy pumped.I hope he gets to let the hammer drop on 1.
  19. M

    Hey Moosie!

    Me and the boys skun an cut up 47 moose in 7 days.Can I go to Alaska with ya next year? I got my own sleepin bag.
  20. M

    5 down....4 to go

    Been helpin my neighbors guidin some great hunters from Pa for bears.The wether didnt cooperate real well early last week.Rich bagged 1 friday...186#.Ron bagged 1 sat with 3 minutes left in his hunt...410#.71 yo Ken bagged 1 mon...168#.Scott arrowed 1 yesterday at 2pm that climbed the tree he...

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