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  1. L

    1 man lightweight tent

    I know they suck and to small but I'm looking for a 1 man lightweight tent. primary use is for emergency shelter and being up here, looking for atleast a 3 season tent/bivy or if I get a wild hair and decide to spend the night. I have a 3 season northface 2 man thats great for if I'm planning...
  2. L

    WWG ghost ring FS

    This is contoured for a rem 870 shotgun. It also fits the various rem pump and semi-auto's. I had a 1917 action (remington built) and it fit perfectly. $75 shipped in US
  3. L

    Latest mauser project

    Basically it started out as a 30-06 on a VZ-24 action. I cant leave well enough alone, so.... Its now a 375H&H. 20" douglas bbl, NECG sights. dakota 3 position safety. bold trigger and bottom metal from a mark X 375 h&h rifle. I also had a 2nd recoil lug added. Stock is off a rem 798. its cheap...
  4. L

    My first goat mount

    My wife wanted me to learn taxidermy so she let me do this goat. what do you think? critiques anyone? She was with me the whole time to make sure I didnt abort somebody elses critter. I'm actually kinda proud of it. no, it wasnt killed with trash bags around the legs, we do things diferently...
  5. L

    my bear

    The bear I shot last spring has some unusual coloring (atleast for up here) and I had a hard time figuring out if I wanted a lifesize or a rug. Alot of nice lifesize forms out there but none just grabbed me. Wifey had everything needed to do a rug so I went with it. It was shot outside of Tok...
  6. L

    Thought we were gonna get skunked... bear camp this year. I just did a quicky 5 day trip to Tok. Had the bait out for 4 days and no hits. pretty weird year, usually never have to wait that long. Also heard a pack of mangy dogs (ie: wolves) take down a cow moose. time to start eradicating a few of those things also. Anyways.....
  7. L

    Kudo's to our govenor She definitly isnt perfect but she is really starting to impress me. How people feel about aerial pred control, I really dont care (unless your an alaskan). Its really cool how she dislikes outsiders trying to run...
  8. L

    OK you folks in idaho, heads up...

    My buddy is moving to idaho, somewhere around the idaho falls area. If you see a big green 1978 F-250 with a rebel flag on the door, pull him over and buy him a beer and ask him about his expieriances up here. hes an old timer and my bear hunting buddy. Hes lived in the chicken/Tok area for...
  9. L

    A few pics from bear camp

    heres some pics from camp. First the snow was deep going in. we buried that ranger a few times, it was all good though, a little bit of sweat and a winch got us back moving. next is a pic of the view off the deck. Most of the weather stayed in the valley and we could watch it pass by. next is a...
  10. L

    My dads first bear

    My old man shot his first bear last week at bear camp. Happy as hell for him. It was a average sized sow. It was a great bear camp. we had bears hitting the bait a day after we put bait out. grant it there were mostly sows and cubs. the bear my dad shot was the first lone bear that ventured...
  11. L

    Ovis, you out there?

    Jim, you wouldnt believe what came over the news tonight. Channel 11 (KTVu) ran a story of the famous hitchenbrook bear. they said you guys were hiking, were charged and shot the 13 ft bear in self defense. they also said that your buddy couldnt keep the bear (because of DLP) and that its gonna...
  12. L

    motel 6

  13. L

    Stupid questionpic posting

    Folks in the last year and a half without a computer, I am having a major brainfart and recall a website to host pics. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. L

    No luck with Chicken, AK

    For tha last 2 fall's the old lady and I were going up to chicken AK for caribou. Basically its a drive up, unload the ATV's and go in 30 miles or so and look for caribou. Sounds simple and fun right? well if it wasnt for bad luck we wouldnt have any luck. the only saving grace for the last 2...
  15. L

    I'm back

    After almost a year and a half, I finally decided to buy another computer. For those who dont know me or remember me, I live in anchorage and mostly hunt out of the north east part of the state.
  16. L

    my bear (I hope)

    heres supposed to be a pic of my bear. the other 4 guys are my hunting partners and we played hell getting this one out. I hope it turns out.
  17. L

    whacked a bear

    Spent the past 2 weeks in Tok. for the first 8 days or so we didnt see a single bear or tracks. We scouted a new area to see if we could find something. Seen a bear on the hill, double checked to make sure nop cubs were present. asked my buddy the yardage and got ready. The first shot was at...
  18. L

    Happy Holidays

    Even Santa has to protect himself <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-09-2003 23:48: Message edited by: lilbiggun ]</font>
  19. L

    WTS: Taurus 450SS

    45LC, 2" ported BBL, bobbed hammer. Unfortunately I dont have the keys to the safety. Tried but so far no luck with taurus. Real clean gun, I got in a trade and fired about 50rds through it. At 25 yards all rounds hit minute of chest. One thing I did notice is that it doesnt like dirty powder...
  20. L

    what a great weekend

    We spent our weekend volunteering for fish and game at the moose research center. We helped in the fence repair, basically repairing holes in the fences and pulling rotten poles out. The fence originally had spruce pulls (around 12" dia) and the 8' fence was stapled to the poles, now they have...

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