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  1. E

    Deer In WYOMING..Getting ready for the draw

    Plan to put in for deer in WY this year and have narrowed it down to 4 units. Wondering if anyone out there has any general information or experiences they are willing to share about units 87, 90, 102, or 119? Would appreciate any help in selecting the best general area for big muley bucks...
  2. E a bull with the bow

    After several years of trying, I finally got a bull with my bow. It was a great hunt in Unit 61 in Idaho, about and hour from home. I was working up a raghorn with calls and scrapes, when this guy came down the ridge and ran off the raghorn. It took 20 minutes of calling, scraping and jumping...
  3. E a bull with the bow

    After several years of trying, I finally got a bull with my bow. It was a great hunt in Unit 61 in Idaho, about and hour from home. I was working up a raghorn with calls and scrapes, when this guy came down the ridge and ran off the raghorn. It took 20 minutes of calling, scraping and jumping...
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    I'm Back!! Muley Cam 2005

    Howdy Used to post on this site a bit a few years ago, then life got busy. New job is pretty easy going, so hope to read and post more. Here are a couple of my Mule Deer cam pics this year, Fremont County IDAHO Looking forward to chatting with you all some more
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    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Here I sit on the deck off my room at the ELK REFUGE INN in Jackson, WY. A few hundred yards out front are thousands of elk. With the spotting scope I was able to pick out several huge 8x7 bulls and many in the 380 class. On the drive over we stopped in Alpine and looked at thier refuge where...
  6. E

    Too Close!! $%&#@!!!

    Ever get stuck in the deep thick stuff with a scoped rifle? Saturday, My wife, daughter and I were out looking for mulies. After a no deer hike in the morning, we drove a few miles away and started pushing aspen and timber pockets around some old clearcut areas. My daughter and I headed in an...
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    Did you save me one?

    2 days left of military duty left here in Great Lakes, IL and I am on my way back home to Idaho to hunt. Been enjoying reading about everyones experiences this year and success, but can't wait to get out there again. Spent a few days out early in the month and saw some elk, but not a single...
  8. E

    Another elkless opener!

    Hope some of you guys were in the right spot at the right time this weekend. I spent the first 2 mornings/eves in a tree stand and saw no elk. Although it was obvious they used the water hole during the dark hours. Moose, after moose, after moose came in, and even a nice 4x4 mulie. But he...
  9. E


    I have New Leica 800 LRF rangefinders for $350,Leica 1200 LRF rangefinders for $450, Burris Fullfield 2 3-9x40 ballistic plex scopes for $195, Burris 20-60x80 spotting scopes for $200.00, Burris 20x50 compact spotting scopes for $85, Will ship free in Idaho,and all states that border it. I can...
  10. E

    Desert ELK in IDAHO

    I am going to try to hunt the Desert this year ( Snake River Zone ) Units 63 and 53. Looks like a lot of these elk live year round in the desert and skip in and out of the INEEL. Anyone tried this hunt? Can elk live in lava fields? Thanks for any info, work and the navy make it so that this...
  11. E

    Motion Cameras - Anyone use one at your bait?

    I am gonna try one of these ( Deer Cam dc-100) at one of my bait sites this year. Anyone had any luck or used the timer function to pattern bears, etc coming in? I am glad I hunt the other side of the state, Imagine what you might see if you put one of these near Moosies stand! :eek: :eek...
  12. E

    Electronic Calls - Phantom or FoxPro

    I think I got the wife convinced I need an electronic varmint call. Don't ask me how! Anyone have any experience with either the FoxPro Digital or the Extreme Dimensions Phantom? Appreciate any input, since I got the green light I want to get it right the first time! Thanks ELKCHASER
  13. E

    My dog won't put ducks in her mouth!!!! HELP

    Had the perfect set up the other day, dropped a duck in the river right in front of the dog. She swam out to it sniffed it and swam right back. I sent her out several times, but she won't bring it back. I killed a duck over land and have been trying to get her to put it in her mouth and it is...
  14. E

    Black Bear in Alaska

    Has anyone hunted black bear in SE Alaksa? Some friends and I are looking into a hunt next spring in the Tongass or Chugach National Forests. Anyone have some general ideas on good places to go, and maybe where not to go? Thanks for any info! ------------------
  15. E

    243 w/ 55grn or 58grn bullets - 4000fps?

    Anyone using 55 grain ballistic tips or 58 grain Vmax and getting over 4000fps? If so, how is the accuracy? and do you mind sharing load info? Thanks Shoot straight! ------------------ [This message has been edited by ELKCHASER (edited 02-25-2001).]
  16. E

    Cats and Dogs

    Anyone out there know anyone who runs cats in the eastern to central Idaho area. What should it cost if the only service was the dogs and the owners know how, no room/board etc. If anyone provides this service or know folks that do, please pass it on. Thanks Shoot straight...
  17. E

    Who has killed what with a .243

    Recently won a .243 in an RMEF raffle, Mod70 classic featherwieght. I started talking to a few folks about it and without even trying all sorts of arguements came out about what its limits are and what is ethical or not. All you .243 hunters out there, what have you hunted with it and what has...
  18. E

    New to baiting

    Howdy, Looks like a great forum you got here, I like the fact it seems to have a lot of folks from western states with real experience. My passion is elk in eastern ID, but I recently built a cabin near Cave Falls and the South East corner of Yellowstone Park. The local folks talk about bears...
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