PEAX Equipment

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  1. A

    Strawberry reservoir, Utah

    Just got back from 4 days of fishing on the "Berry", with my brother. When you can't draw a tag to save your life, some decent fishing will ease the pain.
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    Fishing with the Boy Scouts

    Every year i set up a camping & fishing trip with my sons Boy Scout troop. I went up to Courtright lake, at 8,000 ft Friday and pre fished the lake, then started setting up camp. The boys and some of their parents showed up Friday night. This year we have a bunch of new scouts and a lot of them...
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    Take a kid shooting

    My son and I are active with the Boy Scouts. Last Tuesday, at the Scout meeting, I put on a voluntary “Firearm safety class”, focusing on Jeff Coopers “Four rules of gun safety, and a few of my own rules. Every boy who takes the class (and has his parent’s permission) is invited to go shooting...
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    Strawberry reservoir, Utah

    Spent a few days fishing Strawberry reservoir in Utah with my brother. A 12 ft flat bottom on a lake 3 miles wide and 7 miles long, needless to say we spent a fair amount of time just motoring to where we wanted to fish Two biggest were a 22” and a 24” Cuttroat. I caught the 22” on an Ultralight.
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    Boy Scout fishing #2 (photos)

    Just got back from our yearly Troop fishing trip to the high country. Lots of other Scout activities, and family vacations, so only 9 scouts and 5 adults this year. Besides a five mile hike with map/compass, every boy got a two hour + boat/trolling trip. The average was 4 fish per kid, (nobody...
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    Trout, friends and scenery

    My favorite local lake, Courtright, finely opened this weekend. One friend drove 400 miles to go camping and fishing, and another drove 150. I got there first and secured a good campsite before the memorial day crowds showed up. We caught trout, drank good whiskey and had a good time.
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    Squaw fish

    Also known as the "Pike minnow" My brother gave me a "Barbi pole" as a gag gift.
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    More solo fishing.

    Since the state of AZ failed to issue me an elk tag, I decided to console myself with a last solo trip to the foothills, next week the high country opens. ( the photos will be more scenic, and hopefully the trout bigger). It’s hard to take good fishing selfies while steering the boat and...
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    Beautiful day on the lake

    Caught lots of these, nothing over 17”. Son was busy, so I went by myself. Hard to take photos of a flopping trout, while steering, watching a pole and trying to release it un harmed.
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    small trout

    Since Big Sky seems to have the big trout cornered, I made it half way up the mountian and hooked some small ones. Elevation about 3,000. Mid day temprature 60% Boated 10, mostly small Rainbows, and 2 German Browns 14" and 17". At dawn
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    Took some boys shooting

    My son and I are active in the Boy Scouts. While they do lots of cool outdoor activities, the only shooting is a merit badge at camp each year. Several of the parents approached my about teaching firearm safety and taking the boys shooting. Last Tuesday, I put of a firearm safety class with a...
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    For those of you that like to play long shots, Utah is due in about a week. Think my 7 points will get me that Henery Mt rifle buck tag ? You need to buy a $65 lic if you don't already have one, then it's ten bucks per app.
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    Natchez rimfire

    Just an FYI, Natchez has a selection of .22 LR at reasonable prices. 325 bricks of Federal "Auto-match" for 20 bucks each. Not cheap, but reasonable.
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    quick trip

    Made a quick run up the mountian. Still pleanty of snow, but I managed to launch the boat solo. The fishing was slow, but a managed to boat a couple.
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    Sharknado 3

    I’m almost speechless. A stunning cinematic masterpiece. So bad, it’s brilliant. The list of actors is almost un-believable. Penn & Teller Mark Cuban plays the president, and Ann Colter his wife. Anthony Wiener (yes, that Anthony Wiener) is the head of NASA David Hasselhoff & Bo Dereck Michele...
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    Just a few small trout

    My son bailed out ( to go visit grandma), so I hit the lake solo this morning. Picked up a dozen Bows, from 10 to 17 inches. Had a nice day in the mountians.
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    Went camping and fishing in New Mexico, no elk tag, and of course, the elk were running around everywhere.
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    Take a kid fishing

    This weekend my sons Boy Scout troop went camping and fishing at my favorite high country lake. The bad news; A major forest fire (the "Rough fire") is raging twenty miles away down the same canyon, and the smoke became un- bearable by late Saturday, so we bailed out early. The good news; We had...
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    Decent trout

    Took myBIL up trolling on a high country lake today. As usual in the middel of summer, the fishing was slow and we only boated 8 fish, but I did get my biggest trout in over a decade. 21", 4 1/2 lb rainbow.
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    Sierra scenery

    Camping with the Scout this weekend. While the boys were doing a hike, I snuck away with one of the other parents, and drove over Kaiser pass to Florence lake. We boated a few German Browns, of course the big one got away right at the boat, but the scenery made the trip. As you can see, the high...
Kenetrek Boots

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