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  1. E

    Muzzy Power!!!!!!!

    Season came in Monday,and a doe went down today.I know its only a doe,but I bought my lifetime license this year and I want to get my moneys worth.
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    How bout this

    The good doctor also claims to have spent up to 4000 hrs a year in treestands! Do the math on that.
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    I am reading a book by DR. Ken Nordberg. This guy claims that scrapes have absolutly nothing to do with does,but serve only as a warning sign to other bucks. (I think he is a nut)
  4. E

    Natural Selection

    I have a theory.I thought I would toss this up for debate while we were on the topic of scrapes and rubs.Everyone thinks that bucks run scrapes at night because of hunting pressure.I agree that this plays a part to a certain extent,but could it be possible that the process of natural selection...
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    Attention beginning houndsmen!!!

    Several times since I have been on this board I have seen people on here asking for advice on training pups,or,got my first hound puppy,what do I do now? I have been hunting with hounds for 12 plus years,and just yesterday,I finally read the book "Walk With Wick" "The Tree Dog Encyclopedia" Let...
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    WV Bears

    I called my buddy in WV yesterday and he said they had already treed about 40 bears this summer. I treed a few coons this week.The dogs are really having a tough time with this heat.I dont like to let em tree no longer than I have to this time of year.
  7. E

    Another one bites the dust.

    As I have mentioned in earlier posts,I got my turkey,called one in for my cousin the same day,then Tuesday I called another one in for a friend but he never got a shot.Well my friend(Mike Wolf)wanted me to take him again Thursday.Here is the story. Mike showed up at the house Thursday morning...
  8. E

    Gobble Gobble!!!!!!!

    Heard 4 birds Sat.,6 Sun.,and 8 Monday morning.A total of 18 different birds in 5 different spots.T-minus 14 days and counting!!!!!!!!
  9. E

    Gotta love it!!!

    Went hunting Sunday night.I took my 15 month old dog,and my cousin took his 2 year old.We turned them loose and they caught a big boar coon on the ground.We could just barely hear them in there,so we drove back this old logging road.After we got to the dogs(thats actually when we discovered they...
  10. E

    Boat Advice,help.

    I am thinking about buying a boat.I found one I like.Aluminum hull,Starcraft,17 feet long,1998,90 horse Mercruiser,front and back fish finders,two livewells,foot controlled trolling moter(60 lb thrust),lots of storage.This boat has a lot more extras that I dont remember.It only has about 20 hrs...
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    Favorite feed.

    What is your favorite brand of feed?I like diamond myself.And another thing.Ever find a new brand of feed,dogs really do good on it,and then they change the formula on you and cheapen the feed.Man I hate that! ------------------ Hunt hard and prosper.
  12. E

    Drive the dog

    I have a dog who is really doing good.Fast on track,100 plus barks per minute on tree.Simply refuses to run trash.But.................he has a lazy streak.He kind of loafs around and dont hunt very deep.I want him to kick dirt in my face when I turn him loose,and stay gone more than 20 mins at a...
  13. E


    What is your favorite locator call right now.Back when I first started turkey hunting the owl hooter worked real well.Then it kind of got overused around here and the crow calls started working real well.Right now what works the best for me is a coyote howler.A guy last year told me he was...

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