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  1. F

    My oh my. How shiny this place is

    Just got out of prison (again) and thought I should stop in and see if ole Hunt Talk was still around. Damned if it isn't. So are the ole gang of misfits still around?? Jose? Ithaca?? Moosie?? Delw?? So what have you ****ers been up to??
  2. F

    Nerd Alert: Cyber Nations

    There is a game called cyber nations, its an online game and it's free and takes about 5 minutes a day to play. The main gameplay is within alliances which have communities such as Hunt Talk. Within the game you go to war with emo wrist cutters, socialists, commies and random folks. It sounds...
  3. F

    Wello hai to you folks.

    Whats up folks, been a bit since I stopped in here. Had a little problem with an exploding rubber girlfriend and some prison time. How is life in the Hunt Talk circles doing?? Every one playing nice in SI??
  4. F

    Photos from my deer hunt

    Got back in last night from my hunt. My dad had an extra tag that he could not sale (hes an outfitter here in New Mexico) so he let me have it. The ranch we were hunting in 30 miles west of Roswell and has just an amazing amount of deer on it. Here are a few photos, I will add more when I...
  5. F

    Going deer Hunting

    Well I am packing my stuff and getting ready to head out to the rock on the other side of the hill to do some deer hunting. The ranch I will be hunting has deer running around like sheep in a pasture. The last time I was down there my father and I saw about 250 deer a day with about half of...
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    Making of a sculpture, Fighet Pilot Bust.

    Bummer did not work the way it should have, Go here if interested
  7. F


    Hopefully no one has posted this yet. Funny chit.
  8. F

    Big one

    Thought I would share a picture of a huge bass I caught a few weeks ago, fishing has been tough this year :(
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    Need some measurements for a 195-200 mule deer

    Can someone help me here, I dont know where to look for these. I am working on a bronze bust of a mule deer and need the measurements for a 195-200 class muledeer. I need the measurments of the individual tines and spread. The biggest deer I have ever shot scored 25 points so any suggestions...
  10. F

    Finally, Finally finished a sculpture, Lots of pics, not dial up friendly

    Hey guys whats goin on?? I have not been here in some time so I figured I would stop in and say hi and show you guys my latest sculpture. This is the first piece I have finished in seven years, in fact its the first piece I have done in seven years:eek: I thought I would add some photos of...
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    Like Music?? Check this out

    The Music Genome Project
  12. F

    One More Ferrari video

    This one might not be work safe due to the end of the video. hump hump Ferrari Hottie
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    Rendezvous: A drive through Paris

    Damn. Nuff said. If you dont have broadband dont bother. Rendezvous: A Claude Lelouch short film.
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    Cobras at work in Iraq

    Cobra Hits
  15. F

    "The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame

    "The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame By Michael Leidig and Roya Nikkhah Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research. A study...
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    Beer Looter Dude

    He now has his own website hump hump Beer Looter Dude
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    Cute little flash animation movie. Taken
  18. F

    Gates of Fire: Michael Yon : Online Magazine

    Gates of Fire Amazing men of Valor, our soldiers.
  19. F

    Hub coyote sightings on the rise

    Dumb assed back east liberals. I think we ought to reintro wolves here as well. :D :D
  20. F

    The next big fad?? Fighting Machines

    Looks like fun.
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