Wanted to update this post now that my hunt is over. I scouted several days throughout the summer to learn more about their behavior. HuntTalker @Lv2hnt was a massive help beforehand and on the hunt. Monsoon rains were great this year, so the grass grew and was really green into the beginning of...
Thanks for the reply. I went up for a couple days this week to scout the units with another HuntTalker. We saw about 40-50 goats the first partial day and only a few the second half day, but that one was mostly spent getting a feel for the lay of the land.
Cover in the areas where we did see...
I drew a tag with a total of 4 others for the 2nd hunt tag (Aug 20 - Sep 2) in what I think will be a decent unit. This is my first speedgoat hunt with any weapon. I'm curious for input on what people with archery experience on them think I should be prepared for in terms of shooting range if I...
If it's the tag you don't want, I can put you in touch with a fellow Hunt Talker, who just so happens to run the best organization like that in AZ - Heroes Rising Outdoors. @Lv2hnt
There's a pretty reliable source on one of the AZ F-book hunting groups that says AZGFD is only about 70% done with charging cards because they're doing them manually this year, due to the snafu. So, keep holding out hope - just as I am for an archery elk tag. Greed is good.
I'll second the vote for AZ's Heroes Rising Outdoors. They do a great job of coordinating help and getting disabled vets into the field, which is something everyone should get to experience, IMHO. I can't think of a betteer story than a Marine giving his tag to another Marine (or any military...
Heading up to Big Sky Country for my first time next week. Flying in to Bozeman on Monday night and then heading up north to Cut Bank for a work project. After we're done with that, the plan is that we'll work back toward Bozeman and do some fishing. One of the guys was up there this week and...
If you're not familiar with Rugged Maps they are outdoor fabric maps - super durable and pretty much indestructible. These maps give a greta view of roads, water, land ownership and historic burn areas. This one is New Mexico GMU 2B, which also shows a large portion of GMU 2A. Carry case is...
If you're not familiar with Rugged Maps they are outdoor fabric maps - super durable and pretty much indestructible. These maps give a greta view of roads, water, land ownership and historic burn areas. This one is Colorado GMU 49, carry case included, shipped to your door for $30. Saves you $10...
I would echo what the other guys have already said and highly recommend you prepare yourself (and the others) of a group of simultaneous solo hunts for both logistics and mind set. That way, everyone has expectations managed in case some people want to bail altogether, leave early or just sit in...
Yikes, 68th. My bracket has so much red, it looks like it was wearing a mink coat to an anti-fur rally. I've never been so far off the mark and one year (pre-internet) I was backpacking through South America and filled one out when my roommate met in Peru with a USA Today with the draw. I hadn't...
Start working out at elevation as much as you can. Lots of good elk in that unit for either hunt but they will probably make you work hard, up and down the big hills.
Congrats to those who drew tags. No love from my home state again for me this year. It might finally be the September I head to Montana with my bow in one hand and fishing rod in the other.
To those still wondering, it seems there are a few late charges (after the first day) every year whether...
Hope you pursued this. The area you hunt next season may have had a Dale Head private owner next door that someone else had to sic the authorities on and you will benefit from it. If you allow it to go on, it will just keep happening. I respect private lands, but don't have respect for owners...