Search results

  1. oldillini

    FS: Axcel RheoTech HD - 5 Pin - 0.019

    I have a Axcel Rheotech HD for sale with 5 pins, 0.019, G-R-Y-R-G. Info per Axcel's site … Hot new Rheostat Cover -Adjust fiber brightness & eliminate starburst -Stronger, brighter Firepin - with 18" of fiber per pin -True 3rd Axis -Ambidextrous RH and LH -Aiming Ring and Pins at same depth...
  2. oldillini

    FS: Mathews Halon 32/6 ... 50-60# ... 28.5" DL

    For Sale: Mathews Halon 32/6, RH, 60# DW, 28.5” DL. Original factory strings. Purchased in early 2018 and shot thru one summer of 3D shoots (<6 shoots), one hunting season (<15 days) and 2-3 days per week practicing. Bow is in great shape. Quiet. It’s probably mental, but I just shoot my Hoyts...
  3. oldillini

    Grandson Strikes Again

    Congrats to him! Future is bright!
  4. oldillini

    The Prince of Poachers

    Maybe he never got past "Dick and Jane" books.
  5. oldillini

    Hoosier buck tag filled

  6. oldillini

    Lathrop and Sons Elite Hunter Boot

    I do not own a pair of the Elite Hunters, so cannot provide real experience. I can have tried a pair on at their shop (I work in the same town). In fact, my Zamberlan's were purchased from Stephen, using their mapping system and custom fit. My 2 cents … I love my Zamberlan's and definitely...
  7. oldillini

    Cheap Rifle Shootout

    Personally very happy with a couple of Ruger Americans I own. A 223 for plinking groundhogs and a 7mm-08 that I tend to use for hogs. (Would be a great deer gun around here, but I don't have property where they allow use of centerfire.) Both have been accurate my use out to 200yds. I have set...
  8. oldillini

    Indiana BHA Pint Night

    Yes, all board members selected. They also have a list of others that are willing to help with communications, event planning, etc. If interested in volunteering you might contact Phil Bloom on FB @ "Indiana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers". I believe the plans are to host a second...
  9. oldillini

    Indiana BHA Pint Night

    BHA Link ...
  10. oldillini

    Waterhole goats

    Nice. Congrats! Love the blind.
  11. oldillini

    Randy Newbergs next truck?

    Nice looker but I would hate to even scratch it.
  12. oldillini

    Rare opportunity in Ohio

    Fantastic! So hard to find any landowner willing to let you hunt around here unless you have a checkbook. Yes, it always pays to treat people right!! Makes me sleep a lot better.
  13. oldillini

    1st antelope

    Congrats! Nice hunt. (I wish I could get my wife to retire in MT.)
  14. oldillini

    Indiana BHA Pint Night

    Indiana is forming a chapter of BHA. Our first Pint Night is November 15 in Indianapolis. Look us up on Facebook for details. Randy, if you’re not doing anything (LOL) drop by.

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