I have a Axcel Rheotech HD for sale with 5 pins, 0.019, G-R-Y-R-G.
Info per Axcel's site …
Hot new Rheostat Cover
-Adjust fiber brightness & eliminate starburst
-Stronger, brighter Firepin - with 18" of fiber per pin
-True 3rd Axis
-Ambidextrous RH and LH
-Aiming Ring and Pins at same depth...
For Sale:
Mathews Halon 32/6, RH, 60# DW, 28.5” DL. Original factory strings. Purchased in early 2018 and shot thru one summer of 3D shoots (<6 shoots), one hunting season (<15 days) and 2-3 days per week practicing. Bow is in great shape. Quiet. It’s probably mental, but I just shoot my Hoyts...
I do not own a pair of the Elite Hunters, so cannot provide real experience. I can have tried a pair on at their shop (I work in the same town). In fact, my Zamberlan's were purchased from Stephen, using their mapping system and custom fit.
My 2 cents … I love my Zamberlan's and definitely...
Personally very happy with a couple of Ruger Americans I own. A 223 for plinking groundhogs and a 7mm-08 that I tend to use for hogs. (Would be a great deer gun around here, but I don't have property where they allow use of centerfire.) Both have been accurate my use out to 200yds. I have set...
Yes, all board members selected. They also have a list of others that are willing to help with communications, event planning, etc. If interested in volunteering you might contact Phil Bloom on FB @ "Indiana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers".
I believe the plans are to host a second...
Fantastic! So hard to find any landowner willing to let you hunt around here unless you have a checkbook.
Yes, it always pays to treat people right!! Makes me sleep a lot better.
Indiana is forming a chapter of BHA. Our first Pint Night is November 15 in Indianapolis. Look us up on Facebook for details. Randy, if you’re not doing anything (LOL) drop by.