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  1. ndlawrence

    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Absolutely amazing wherewithal to make 186 miles happen. Glad to see someone put in the effort met with reward. I hope to make it one day.
  2. ndlawrence

    300 prc for baited bear

    Very cool. I’ve always wanted to hunt game with a 1911, but never have. I always surprise myself how well I can shoot with one, even at 50yards.
  3. ndlawrence

    Model 70 .223 build

    Looks great! Classic that seems to have gone the way of the doo doo bird.
  4. ndlawrence

    Rifle’s done… again

  5. ndlawrence

    Public Land and Over the Counter Moose Hunt

    What an awesome bull! Subbed for the story!
  6. ndlawrence

    My once in a lifetime

    Awesome Ram! Congrats
  7. ndlawrence

    Just got Starlink.

    I was going to make the jump to SL just for our county ran fiber directly to our house… hard to beat but I wish I had SL as an option 5 years ago when we had ViaSat.
  8. ndlawrence

    Idaho spring bear partner wanted

    Shoot me a PM. I’m interested.
  9. ndlawrence

    Sell me on some rings

    If you can get them, the Sportsmatch T084s are the easiest/cheapest reliable option for a 30mm tube. If not, I’d mount a mountain tactical rail and run NF/Hawkins/ARC rings.
  10. ndlawrence

    Woodworking Hunt Talkers?

    I don’t have as much time as I’d like to do it, but I really enjoy it. Here is a 12’ conference table I made out of Osage Orange. The base is an old industrial lathe base.
  11. ndlawrence

    Im sorry, BrentD.

    Same - not my cup of tea, but the work looks great!
  12. ndlawrence

    Why do you hunt?

    I hunt to experience nature, for the challenge, for the meat, and for the fellowship/ camaraderie with friends.