Well done and welcome back to Montana! A tip for you for the next celebratory Cold Smoke - pour it in a glass with a shot of vanilla vodka - called a Snowplow.
We all love hearing about the successful hunts, but there is also good learning opportunities from those of us that make mistakes. I was bow hunting last weekend (opening morning for elk archery in MT) with my 18 year old daughter in central Montana on public land. We walked less than a couple...
I live in Montana and have always just done a general deer tag with my kids knowing the chances of a large buck are pretty low; so the OP might consider heading to the Missouri Breaks; the season typically ends for muley bucks in mid-November on the CMR so check the regs, but we have always had...
I had the opportunity to fill a shoulder season tag on the last day of the season last week and was pleased to discover the elk on the federal land were wearing masks and socially distanced 6-10 feet apart! The herd on the private ranch just across the fence were in a large herd not socially...
I had the 411-20 tag last year and ended up not harvesting a bull; I passed on a couple smaller ones on public land early in rifle season b/c I see the big bulls on the Nbar all spring and summer; however, there was a member on here that shot a really nice bull on public land late in rifle...
The best advice I've seen on this forum - and I can't remember who posted it so I apologize for not giving appropriate credit: hunt the elk where they are; not where you want them to be.
Well, I didn't end up getting a shot at a bull; I hunted each morning last Wed-Sat pretty hard then stayed around the cabin during the day. On Wednesday morning we were out at sunup and then a BMA until early afternoon - tons of deer sign and no elk sign. On Thurs morning, we went back out to...
Congrats on a great elk - write up was great as other's have said. Can I make a suggestion when enjoying a Cold Smoke beer next time? Pour the Cold Smoke in a glass and add a shot of vanilla vodka - unofficiallly called a "snowplow".
Heading back out this weekend; actually came across 3 bulls and cow two mornings in a row last weekend; first day, the elk were busted out by other hunters as we were closing the 700yd gap; next day, a 12 year old girl was able to harvest the largest bull - we heard the shot and the same 4 elk...
@Kneetopia - I sent you pm with my cell as well
@wapiti11 - would love to meet up sometime here in Billings - I'm going to head back up late tomorrow night to hunt Friday, but have to be back here in Billings for the weekend.
Was strange for sure - left Billings in time on Friday to scout the BMA area an hour before sunset; got a mile in and got stuck in some not-so-gooey-looking alkali gumbo - could not believe it. I called my cabin neighbor and he drove 30 miles to pull me and my daughter out; decided to get up...