Good news for those of us who fish for cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake.
Efforts to reduce lake trout in Yellowstone Lake are working.
Lew Freedman reported in the Cody Enterprise Aug 3, 2016 that:
“the expensive, determined effort to make cutthroat trout king of Yellowstone Lake again by...
Hope you get back to the Springs with a solid job soon. You certainly are over due for some positive news.
Thanks for your service and associated sacrifices. We all notice and appreciate it.
I'm glad hunting/fishing access issues are such big campaign topics in Montana. Politicians are really having to show their true colors. Rob G., thanks for your work and forcing their hand.
2ski, thanks for the laker fishing advise in the Flathead. I'll try some of your suggestions. Your technique is very similar to what we use on Yellowstone Lake.
We did pick up a few lakers and smoked them. Here's a pic:
Here's a pic of one of the cutthroats we released during our last visit...
Big Sky, Southern Elk and jnagel, I have fished Yellowstone Lake for over 35 years. I started from shore at the Sand Point picnic area, which is still a solid place to fish from shore. We used to catch a dozen or more cutthroats per hour on Jakes Spin-a-lure in gold with red dots. It is still...
Yellowstone Lake is now opening up with the general season in YNP. The general season begins the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and extents until the first Sunday of November.
Mrs. What Map and I were not able to make the first day of the season, but we have made it down there twice since...
RobG, thank you and the Montana Sportsmen Alliance for providing information about the elections. I think the hunters and anglers in the Gallatin Valley who recreate on public accessible land and water had an impact on getting Bruce Grubbs nominated over Wittich. The voters I talked with were...
Montana has just about everything an outdoor enthusiast could ask for except the ocean. My wife and I have always enjoyed traveling to ocean beaches and starting in 2012 we began to travel to Florida on an a semi-regular basis to hang out on the beaches there and fish for a few days.
In 2013...