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  1. E

    New to Hunting --> Looking to Learn

    Bailey.........Yes, that can be true but it depends on the unit too. Some units have a lot of private land and it's probably true. Other units have very little private land and the elk will stay on public land. You can look at how many elk are killed every year to see that. You can also avoid...
  2. E

    New to Hunting --> Looking to Learn

    Colorado has 23 million acres of public land hunting. Why do you think you need to hunt private land? Landowners don't let you do it for free.
  3. E

    First elk hunt ends with a goose egg

    I agree and live in Colorado for that very reason. Muley buck tags are hard to get in my units but I can hunt for elk every year with no points and don't need to go to an OTC tag to do it.
  4. E

    First elk hunt ends with a goose egg

    You had fun and that's the most important part. Keep trying.
  5. E

    Is there anything that preys on pine squirrels? Can I train one to take with me on elk hunts?

    Squirrels give warning to others that a large mammal is walking by that could be a predator. I use them to my advantage when still hunting. They also squawk when a deer, bear, or elk walk by. It warns me something is coming. I use squirrels to tell me how well i'm still hunting that day. If I...
  6. E

    What does crowded mean when hunting out west

    I prefer a season that's not crowded on the first day.
  7. E

    To: CPW Re: Hunter Harassment ;)

    If he has 4 points on one side. I'm shooting. I love elk meat and have no use for more points.
  8. E

    Public Land Colorado - Highest of Highs & Lowest of Lows

    I know you're not. Mistakes are made by all of us. As long as we learn from them it's all we can do.
  9. E

    Public Land Colorado - Highest of Highs & Lowest of Lows

    So, you saw the guts hanging out? I was trying to be kind. I'll hold back what I really think.
  10. E

    Solo Backcountry Elk Hunt Debrief -- Southern CO

    I'm sorry but if you need bugles to find elk. You better work on a new approach. I prefer quiet elk. I'll know every hunter isn't moving in the direction of the elk that way. Mule deer don't bugle. How do you find them?
  11. E

    Public Land Colorado - Highest of Highs & Lowest of Lows

    Look on the bright side. Although the odds aren't good. Maybe the bull lived. They're pretty tough.
  12. E

    3rd season Colorado

    Screwing up is nothing new to the DOW.
  13. E

    2 days enough ?

    Better than nothing.
  14. E

    Graceful Wapiti

    It's hard to tell if the wire tripped him or the sudden downslope surprised him.
  15. E

    What does crowded mean when hunting out west

    I've hunted Colorado every year since 1954 for elk, muleys, and bear. You couldn't pay me enough to hunt the OTC rifle seasons. I can't believe hunters will do it year after year. I guess they like to suffer? I won't say how or what units I hunt but I get tags every year with no points and my...
  16. E

    Spot and stalk bear

    Great job stalking that bear with a longbow. It's about the only hunt I do now and I know it's not easy getting close to a bear. I use a muzzleloader.
  17. E

    3rd season Colorado

    Both come from their website.
  18. E

    3rd season Colorado

    I never hunted there but here's a guide that will show you the number of hunters and harvest. It looks 1000% better for 1st rifle compared to 55. Scrool down to find 54.
  19. E

    3rd season Colorado

    1st rifle will be a lot better than the OTC 2nd and 3rd seasons. Maybe 600-800 hunters instead of 3000. That would be unit 55. I hunt it sometimes in muzzleloader season. Not many hunters then.
  20. E

    What does crowded mean when hunting out west

    Crowded is when you look at earth from the moon and see little orange spots. Don't hunt where those spots are.
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