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  1. D

    West Virginia 2017

    Public accessed through private Agree 100% Thanks again!
  2. D

    Big Fin Look Out

    Ha throw a quarter in the potty mouth jar Dad!....that's awesome!
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    Wyoming Whitetail

    Congrats on a nice deer!
  4. D

    Tips for getting in shape for backcountry

    Everything has been pretty much covered in detail except to arrive early a couple days if not more if possible so you can to get acclimated to the altitude. Also throw yourself on the ground with a heavy pack on because it will probably happen! JK ...local high school stadiums with a weighted...
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    Loan Me a Truck

    I have a good friend that owns a safety supply co. and drives nothing but the Titans, gets about 250k out each one before trading, solid vehicles!
  6. D

    Virginia Public Land Bucks

    That's awesome to see! Congrats to you and your Dad, great memories
  7. D

    West Virginia 2017

    Thanks Guys, a quick backstory, a good friend of mine moved back to his childhood home in Wheeling, WV from his house we can be in Ohio in 10 minutes and western PA in about 20 minutes, this offers us a tri-state opportunity. The quality of deer hunting is certain parts of the state have...
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    First Texas Whitetail

    great buck....another heavy weight from TX.
  9. D

    ND badlands hunt 2017

    Freezer full - check!...always fun to experience the first deer with young hunters!
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    Kansas Rifle Buck

    Whitetails in the morning roosters in the afternoon sounds pretty darn good, nice buck, pretty dog! congrats!
  11. D

    Texas whitetail tagged out!

    Nice bucks, no.2 looks heavier than most Texas whitetails! Congrats
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    Proposed CWD Hunt for MT

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    Book Cliffs Deer Hunt 2017

    looks like scouting turned up some dandies!....Congrats to the little lady that's a nice deer!
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    Big Fin's 5-Day Elk Strategy works for Mule Deer too!

    love the last pic, that's awesome! congrats on great adventure
  15. D

    A Couple Decent Mule Deer From Eastern Montana

    Wow, You guys don't mess around.... very nice! congrats
  16. D

    Good Elk Hunting This Fall

    excellent congrats on a great season! that's a full freezer!
  17. D

    West Virginia 2017

    A view from my perch Clean pass through As he lay Not much ground shrinkage Cleaned up Chillin with the beans The reward!
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    Pics and more pics...

    Big Bear Lake
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    One of the best elk hunting pics of the season

    That made my day! awesome
  20. D

    Colorado Bull Story (a bunch of bull about a Bull)

    you guys always get it done! Congrats on a great Co. bull!
Kenetrek Boots

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