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    California Bans Trapping

    Makes me wonder if California might be a better place if all the Californians who left had instead stayed and tried to fight back. This is an overly simplified example but it makes me wonder; 7 million Californians have fled to other states over the last 30 years. They often state that they...
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    Coming to a trail head near you!

    The most impressive thing is that he was travelling at 100 mph.
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    Pot is not legal in CO or anywhere else in the US.

    At the risk of being accused of riding a high horse I'll chime in. I've never smoked anything except ribs, brisket, bratwurst, etc. Never drank alcohol either. And to buck the apparent trend, the majority of my friends haven't either. I have one good friend who drinks. He has enough respect...
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    What else have we been wrong about forever?

    Reminds me of when I was driving home from a moose hunt and a couple guys at a gas station came over to congratulate me on my moose. I almost said "Wait, this isn't an elk?"
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    ID 2nd Chance Draw List is Up

    In past years they have taken tags for hunts that open in August and sold them first come first served as opposed to putting them in the second draw. Not sure why they didn't do it this year.
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    ID 2nd Chance Draw List is Up

    Anybody who draws a tag in the first drawing has until August 1 to buy the tag or they lose it. Sometimes people forgot to buy the tag in time or they decide not to do the hunt.
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    Odd Terminology

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    Well-Known Member?

    112 posts in 6 years. At this rate I'll be a "well known member" in about 27 years.
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    WA public land desecration. And it ain't no hunters doing it.

    I recently saw the worst trash I have seen in Idaho. 2 weeks ago I hiked in several miles to fish a creek. There are a couple well established horse camps in the area. At the first I found 2 bent and broken metal pannier boxes filled with garbage, a broken roll-top table, and 4 pairs of...
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    How far away?

    I'd go every bit as far for a cow elk as I would for any bull. I'd rather pack a cow out 5 miles alone and not see other hunters than shoot one within sight of a road with everyone else.
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    First DIY Shoulder Mount

    I watched videos on youtube. and searched for tutorials online. I also read a lot of posts on taxidermy specific forums. The process is actually very simple, just time consuming.
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    CWD Whitetail Confirmed in Libby

    Everything I read states that the diseased prions reside in the brain and spinal tissue. So states respond by disallowing transportation of those parts out of CWD areas. It seems to me that is not enough. Hunters leave heads and spines in the field where the prions sit and wait for the next...
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    Idaho won't recognize Record book Ram killed by Tribal Hunter

    Politicians be damned; I would counter that the Nez Perce tribe has not done more for Bighorn Sheep conservation than the Idaho Department of Fish and Game or the Rocky Mountain Sheep Foundation. Fact is that the Tribe and IDFG have a long history of collaboration and cooperation. They have...
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    ID Big 3 Deadline Tomorrow

    I don't like the term chosen by IDFG for those of us who did not draw, "Not Selected" seems way too soft like they are trying to let me down easy. I would prefer a heavy handed "Rejected" or "Loser" or some other truly soul crushing term.
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    First DIY Shoulder Mount

    I do all my own fleshing and tanning. I did not shave any of the hides; although if I ever find a cheap option I will begin to do this step. For rugs it doesn't matter because they are going to hang flat on the wall. For the shoulder mounts I used a skife knife to shave areas around the face...
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    First DIY Shoulder Mount

    I started with bear rugs. I've done 3 and you can tell which one was the first and which one was the last. I did a mtn lion rug that turned out well. I then shoulder mounted a deer for my father which looks good but not great but he's happy with it. A pronghorn buck was next and looks really...
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    ID Big 3 Deadline Tomorrow

    yep, results had usually been coming out around the 15-17 of May every year until 2018 when the new contractor had difficulties.
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    Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

    I live in a rural area and keep a cat for controlling mice in the barn. Occasionally I see him out in the meadow on my neighbors property trying to catch ground squirrels, that's when the BB gun comes out. The BB's bounce off and he leaves the squirrels alone for a while. I do the same when I...
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    Predicting Idaho Tag Allocation

    No, it is random. I assume you are asking about OIL Controlled Hunts. Gohunt did a good video on how the Idaho draw for Trophy Species works.
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    gating public land

    In many small rural counties things like this can happen because the landowners are friends with those in the county offices. I know of a couple examples of private landowners in southeastern Idaho who have attempted to and sometimes succeeded to blocked public access. 1. Landowner posted no...

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