As already pointed out, probably worse by then. If you want to hunt sheep, moose, or mtn. goat, start saving your money and look towards Alaska/Canada.
If you are going to start, the sooner the better. However, there are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't bother.
Look up the nonresident drawing odds for the species that interest you and the states that offer non resident tags. If you are comfortable with throwing several hundred dollars each...
There is no fix, and no fix is needed. Western state residents should be able to hunt in their own states. Unrestricted NR access to tags or increased NR allocations in the west would eventually infringe on residents ability to hunt their home state. The demand for western tags exceeds the...
A recent exchange on another thread has me curious how many deer the average hunter can kill in each state.
Please note that I am not asking how many deer the average hunter kills, I am asking how many they could legally kill if they maxed out the available opportunity. Although the number...
Generally in Idaho we can get 1 deer tag. That tag is valid for a buck or a doe depending on specific units and seasons. If you shoot a doe, your tag is filled and you cannot shoot a buck that year. Most units that are predominantly mule deer are buck only for adults. In the northern part of...
Interesting info about Wisconsin. Thank you. If I understand you correctly, a hunter in Wisconsin can buy 4 deer tags valid for a buck each season. One for each weapon type. A hunter could in theory kill 4 bucks. How many does can they harvest? I wonder what the success rate is if you could...
Item 1 might sound good but in practice probably would have little effect. This is something that is already self limiting. Most hunters don't have the time to go on multiple week-long hunting trips each fall. I bet the number of hunters that have elk tags in more than 2 states is so small as...
OTC tags for anyone that hunts with an atlatl, flint knaps their own projectile points, and wears nothing but a loin cloth. The season will run during the month of January. You must also butcher with a stone cutting tool.
If only the native Hawaiians had enough firepower to prevent that from happening...they could have fought tyranny and remained an independent nation; at least until 1937 Japanese expansion and genocide destroyed their spirit of aloha.
To put it more diplomatically; it's difficult to look at how...
Just a few years ago they declared the Idaho portion of Hells Canyon to be M. Ovi free.
From the IDFG Sheep Management plan:
"In 2013, IDFG research as part of the Hells Canyon Initiative (HCI) began working on test-and-remove (see Health section) in Asotin Creek, WA. The idea behind...
The science is just a method for collecting data and describing the world. We can disagree on the methods used to collect the data, and through trial and error hopefully we refine our methods and reach a point of agreeing that the data is accurate. What we then do with the data is a social...
0:15 to 1:55 is pure gold; this part is a hilarious parody of the type of content that influencers are creating to "inspire" others but is really just self promotion. Continue to 2:30 if you want the beginnings of his argument about how companies are using our pursuits to sell us more products...
What's crazy is that over 2,000 NR bought their first sheep point last year. That's either extreme optimism or extreme ignorance. I can't really call it dishonest for Wyoming to sell points to people even though they will never draw a tag because the information is readily available on the...
Instead of being on the defense all the time. When will Colorado hunters and pro hunting groups put together a ballot initiative to restore spring bear seasons in Colorado? Where is the support for a ballot initiative to restore foothold traps and snares in Colorado? Make the anti-hunting...
Yeah I know what ranchers will do. They'll thump their chests and act tough, and then do nothing. Politicians will thump their chests in sympathy and once they have your vote they'll do nothing too. Hunters will complain and then do nothing.
Meanwhile, the wolf activists and anti-hunters...
Well, I guess you misunderstood how this works. Everyone logged in before 10 AM gets a random number. It doesn't matter if you logged in at 7 AM or 9:59 AM. Anyone logging in after 10 AM gets put at the back of the line.
Congrats on your success. I wouldn't give up on the idea of using the hide for a sled on future endeavors. I have 3 quarters plus backstraps and other loose meat inside this one (4th quarter on my back). Some paracord to "sew" it together. Pulled as smooth as butter and saved many miles of...
I was married at 21 and started college at 23.
I would be willing to bet any dollar amount that I was releasing aggression far more often than any of the male students I knew who were chasing girls in bars and frat parties. From the stories I heard, they were striking out far more often than I...