WY biologists have also admitted that the APRs are mostly a feel good thing they did because of public opinion and not anything biological. The wyoming range deer herd has rebounded before without those restrictions but hunters believed that it was necessary and complained until WYGF gave them...
I have zero hope that hunters will self regulate. Regulations need to be clear and concise if they are to have any chance of worthwhile enforcement. One of the reasons why the motorized hunting rule is so difficult to enforce is because one, people don't self regulate, two the regulations are...
This issue is one time I wish Steve Rinella would make a video and explain the situation so even a Denver liberal could understand. Of course he would need to cook some Mtn lion in the video. Talking about it on his podcast is not going to reach the average Colorado voter.
Have you ever dealt with public bidding and contracting? It does not matter how well a state or city agency plans ahead or how many times a certain contractor has screwed you in the past, if they are the low bidder you pretty much have to hire them again and again. Only the legislature can...
I also like to preserve the color of the teeth with all their natural staining and character.
Once the skull has simmered long enough to soften and break up the connective tissue it is very easy to pull the canines and incisors. The molars sometimes give you a little trouble but they come out...
Let's say there are 500 bucks already alive on the landscape. If you don't kill any of them, there will still only be 500 bucks. They cannot increase in number on their own. An increase in bucks is dependent on does and fawn survival. If you want more bucks you have to stop killing does...
Yes, but not killing them doesn't do anything to add more bucks on the landscape. The bucks that are already alive won't increase in number if you don't kill them.
I think social tolerance for grizzly bears will decline if their presence has an impact on traditional use practices. Idaho has had black bear baiting seasons in areas with known grizzly bear populations for decades with very little direct grizzly bear mortality (actual hunter killed bears). I...
One argument for baiting in these areas is that you have a better opportunity to properly identify your target in order to prevent this exact situation from occurring. I guess this specific case makes that argument questionable. As for proximity to houses, there is plenty of space out there to...
Basic plan and just pay the $0.50 for each extra text. You can send a lot of text messages before it adds up to enough to make the other plans worth it.
I'd be willing to bet that your old boss was making that up. If I had to guess at his motivations it would be that he could clear more trail quickly with a chain saw and get away with it at a time of year when there were fewer eyes and ears to catch them.
I've never understood why anyone would need an altered state of mind to enjoy hunting or fishing. If you need alcohol or weed to have a good time, you don't know how to have a good time.
I'm not 100% on the background of the "Backfire milk jug challenge" but essentially the host made a statement in a video that most hunters don't have any business shooting long range. Someone in comments posted that he could hit 100% of his shots inside 600 yards. Backfire guy took him up on...
I am an engineer, although not a structural engineer, I did take all the structural design courses that were available in undergraduate studies because I thought I would go that route after graduation. Lack of available jobs took me a different direction. So take my analysis with a few grains...
I see what you mean. My guess is that like all other animals, the bears are finding the easiest, most abundant, and highest calorie meals that they can and focusing on that. There is a dense population of black bears in the Idaho side all along the Bitterroot mountains and no towns to speak of...
I am opposed to both of your proposals.
1. There is no inconvenience to buy a license in December. Especially now that you can do it online. This would be especially problematic for NR when applying for controlled hunts. It would require them to buy 2 licenses just to hunt one year.
Even if you allow the grizzlies to recolonize naturally there will still be people who will claim that the government secretly dropped off bears, and they have photos of the black helicopters to prove it, or they heard it from their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room mate who knows...
If google is correct, there are approx. 350,000 hunters in Arizona. If the auction tag system raised 3.2 million dollars last year according the social media post above, then AZGFD only needs to charge every hunter an additional $9 to replace that revenue, make it an even $10. All of the folks...