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  1. W

    Nice To Be Done

    Nice story with great ending. glad you got 'er done.
  2. W

    Wife’s Montana Cow

    Were you able to load her up whole?
  3. W

    Well That Was Different!

    Good lookin’ fish and on a jig. Very interesting.
  4. W

    First Sea Trout of the 2018 season

    looks like big time fun!
  5. W

    Jigs, Flies, Daddy/Daughter Day

    Great start to your season. Thanks for posting it up.
  6. W

    Scary Big!

    So that's what spring fishing looks like? Hope to see it myself soon.
  7. W

    Young Wyoming turkey hunters

    doesn't get any better than that!
  8. W

    Left Hand Semiauto Shotguns

    I shoot the Versa Max and have had very good service, not perfect, but it goes bang, bang bang almost all the time. There is a big difference between gas operated versus recoil operated IMO. I prefer the "kick" of the gas operated. But when it starts to fail, you have to clean all the inside...
  9. W

    Epic Day!!!

    You have me thinking and planning ................. What great fish! Thanks for posting the pics
  10. W

    Cool Article on Pat Marcuson

    Very interesting read. I did not know much about his work. Now I do. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
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    End of season geese

    Spectacular finish. I'm impressed, needless to say.
  12. W

    New old member

    Welcome, neighbor. Lots to do around here on public accessible lands.
  13. W

    Everyone behave...

    Way cool, Great thread and pics. Thanks for posting 'em up.
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    Eloping to Alaska!

    Truth, Passion, Adventure. All you need to know to have a successful marriage. Best to you and your new bride to be. Go have fun.
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    Me and the boy

    Great first post. Welcome. Where you and "the boy and his dogs" from?
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    Blooper and Outtakes - Ole Can't Find His Tag

    Sorry to hear about Ole. Condolences to family and friends. Thanks for letting us get to know him a little through your stories and shows.
  17. W

    Made The Big Show

    I saw the episode a few days ago. I had the hunting/fishing shows on in the back ground with the sound off as I did work on my computer. Suddenly I see Big Sky on a coyote hunting show. I didn't watch every minute and I didn't have the sound on, but I thought the show was AOK. It shows at the...
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    I Guess I Still Got It

    Great thread. I always learn from Big Sky. Even saw him on a predator hunting TV show the other day!
  19. W

    I Don't Always Fish, But Whe I don't I...

    What a fun thread and a great way to spend some time passing the winter and having fun with family and fiends. What are you going to do with the hides? They look gorgeous.