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  1. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Love triangle
  2. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

  5. M

    Tell Me which 22LR rifle to buy

    Hunted fox squirrels in Ohio for three years with dogs. My brother and I each had Ruger 10/22s.We killed over 200 squirrels a year and tried to head shoot them. We bought target hammers for both guns. We bought every type of ammo we could find and shot ten shot groups with each. We sighted at 30...
  6. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Anyone can get pictures of trophy bucks! Ones like this are more wary.
  7. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    I think this deer is trying to send me a message!
  8. M

    Mule Deer Population trends

    A few years back I read an article about Boone and Crocket whitetail. States bordering major river systems were the biggest producers. But not all states.Game management made the difference. Ohio and West Virginia border the Ohio River. Ohio produces way more quality bucks right across the...
  9. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Trying to scratch his balls
  10. M

    WY 128 Late Update

    Sent you a P.M.
  11. M

    Outdoor wood burning furnace

    I looked at the Garn before I built with the idea of heating my garage and house with it. At the time they had a fifteen hundred gallon and a two thousand gallon model. Found someone that had one and went to look at it. Has lots of pumps and valves. Electricity out. No heat. You’re supposed test...
  12. M

    Outdoor wood burning furnace

    I always have 2 years supply of wood spilt. Because I’m not stacking single row it gives more time to dry. I also have some hickory and it is slow to dry. Modern wood burners want dry wood. Dry wood is like gasoline and wood with moisture is slow burning and never reaches the temperatures that...
  13. M

    Outdoor wood burning furnace

    If you want to do it long term you will want to limit the amount of times handling it. I started out stacking it in long rows. Re-stacking it under cover in the fall and then loading it in the house. One year I had three stacks fall over that I had to stack again. Now I chunk it it up where the...
  14. M

    Outdoor wood burning furnace

    Lots of information on Most efficient way is indoor wood burner. I built new and planned for a wood burner.Windows on each side of the wood burner. Wood boxes on each side of the wood burner. Chimney inside the house with no bends. Load the wood boxes thru the window.Spit wood into...
  15. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    How about this one?
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

  17. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Screwed up. Sent double.
  18. M

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Anyone know what this deer has?

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