I know that. I wasn't wondering why they think their bullets are better. I was hoping for some personal experience on how they're a "better" animal killer than the GMX, TTSX, or E-Tip. Likely they just cost more because of each bullet being weighed and miced.
Why would it be on a BLM map? It's not a type of land but rather a legally described area with restrictions on what can be hunted. Are you thinking this is something akin to a Wildlife Management area owned by FWP or some other agency?
I do agree though that the information is confusing about...
"Very long time" could be quite a range of years. Some interpret it as forever. If that were the case, I would think prevalence rates would already be high and leveled off rather than the up, up, up trend post detection. I wouldn't be surprised, though, that you've already had contact with CWD...
At a time when nobody cared about shooting big bucks, they apparently were everywhere. Now that more and more only want to shoot a big buck, they're nowhere. What scratches the "big" itch this year, likely won't in subsequent years...
Interesting as that's quite different from what JBM is showing for the 180 Accubond using Litz's BC. I've no idea what your velocity is, so I used the highest one from the Nosler Load Data, which is 3160 fps. JBM shows 5" drift at 300 and 15" at 500 with a 10 mph full value wind. Give or take a...
And if you go back over to 24HCF, you can get a 5% discount code from the Tract Optics guy.
I hope you're right, but there's nothing in the law precluding it. Were you looking in the hunting license section for them? If so, can you go back in with his ALS and look again? The bonus points are in their own section.
Correct, you can't buy one if you don't have an ALS. Thing is, there's no restriction on when a person can get an ALS. My son got his way before he was old enough to go through Hunter Education.
Please read the law linked below and point out where it says you have to be eligible to apply for the drawing to buy a point. I know for a fact someone who had a moose license in 2015 could buy a point this year. And he's not eligible to apply because of the 7 year waiting period...
12 year olds going into drawings with 11 points, and people going back in the drawings with 7 points after their waiting period for moose, sheep, and goat sure ain't gonna help.