I thought about putting this under the best trail cam pictures, but figured these pictures would be good in their own thread. First time getting a Wolverine on the cam, along with about every other predator in Montana and one real nice Shiras. Enjoy.
For those who have been holding out, it sounds like the 7mm PRC was recently added as a C.I.P. approved cartridge. I'd guess it's only a matter of time now until Tikka enters the game.
My best piece of advice would be to find a clinic near you that has therapists that are certified in dry needling. It would be a plus if they claim to have someone who treats headaches on a regular basis. A lot of outpatient PT clinics will offer "free screens" so you can go in and talk with the...
Something that a lot of folks don't realize is that physical therapy can be an effective treatment for headaches and migraines, including cluster headaches. As a PT myself, I am certainly biased, but I do actually see a lot of relief in the treatment of these conditions. We have a lot of manual...
I like the weight of the Element, but I like the price of the PH2. I'd likely go PH2 for this reason and the fact that a little extra weight wouldn't be a bad thing for my wife when she's shooting. As for Fierce, I have heard too many mixed reviews to go that route. If I got to that point, I'd...
Personally, I'm still holding out for Tikka to enter the 7PRC world. Just need it to pass CIP standards in Europe and I'm guessing they'll join in on the action after that. Shot Show? Fingers are crossed. If not, I'll be looking harder into a Seekins. I'd rather spend Tikka $ though.
Archery season ended this weekend with zero elk seen or heard, one mountain lion at 20 yards, and one grizzly kill site walked up on. To rifle season we go.
Been to a lot of shows, both big and small. This one at Buck's Bar in Venice, NE with about 100 of my closest friends sits up there with Whiskey Myers back when you could see them in smaller venues for me. Dude is talented as hell and talking with him about elk hunting after the show was pretty...
Exactly the info I was looking for. Appreciate it, @Big Fin! Now if we could just get that secret grouse recipe, we'd be in business. Just need to find a willing feathered participant while not stalking an elk.
I have been running into a ton of grouse while out chasing bigger critters this year. The problem is that I always seem to see them in the first half of an all-day hunt, so I've been passing them up. Curious what everyone does to carry their harvested birds with them throughout the day and avoid...
Main goal here is not to come face to face with any Grizzlies while learning some new areas. Anything more than that will just be icing on the cake. So far, no bears and been on elk 5 of 7 days in the field. I'll take it.