I grew up in the suburbs and currently live in a medium-sized city. Granted, I came to hunting as an adult. Growing up, only an uncle and cousin hunted. My uncle quit for a while when my cousin had fallen into some really destructive behaviors. Thank the Lord, my cousin was able to pull himself...
Same for my wife. Almost sobbing. The weight lifting off her shoulders was indescribable. Theoretically mine becomes eligible in April but I won't believe it until it goes through.
As a lawyer that graduated with honors from my state university then went straight to working for a state agency I wholly endorse this idea. I mostly enjoy my work, but I pretty much chose a lower standard of living for myself and my family going this way. Had I gone the firm route for 3-5...
Cosign this one. The only trick is freezing the meat solid which is usually a requirement for airlines, but if you plan to stay at a place with a freezer the night before you fly out it's easy as pie. It would take a pretty significant amount of meat to 1) not get it all frozen the night before...
This is unquestionably something that would prevent a number of Big Fin's (imo excellent) suggestions from becoming reality. Outfitters want/"need" those repeat clients and making it so that OTC tags burn your points and/or mandatory sit-out periods would blow that aspect of their business sky high.
I had this exact conversation with my dad about ten years ago. Since then, I got married and had two kids; my batshit crazy cousin just had her seventh. The future is going to be ugly.
Trying to figure out bullet selection for my .270 Win. I know there are some limitations to the round as an elk cartridge, but I don't have access to a range over 300 yards so I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a shot much past that anyway. Assume the bullets are equally accurate out of the...
Gotta admit, opening day of gun season here in Maryland hasnt been the same since PA moved to open the same day a couple years back. Used to have the public woods I learned to hunt packed with PA guys moving everything around. Felt like a literal war zone with all the lead flying around. Now...
Having zero elk/bear hunting experience please forgive me if this is an ignorant question... how realistic is it to go on a bear hunt in an area you plan to go elk hunting at some later date? Is there overlap between where you'd find bears and where you'd find elk? A CO bear hunt seems like a...
Yep, I submitted a comment the other day. Never have been there, likely never will, but opening up access is the only way we're going to be able to keep doing what we love.
There isn't a well-enough funded litigious-enough group that would be interested in resolving that issue to take it up. At least, not yet. Also, it might be pretty tricky to get that citation removed to federal court when in all likelihood it would be a state citation that was issued.
I strongly agree we (really meaning our wildlife agencies) need to plan on increasing access as part of R3. Without that piece, the success of the program will be very questionable. I still think the overarching goal is an important, necessary piece of ensuring the long-term continuation of our...
I think both "sides" have really fair points, but I think they're largely talking past each other. On the MR side, we do have to concern ourselves with proper management of the resource. Out west, the situation (especially for NRs) is increasingly difficult and expensive. Here in the east, the...
I said no (nonresident). That said, as others have, when a state wildlife agency gets 70% or more of its budget from nonresidents, I would hope they have the good sense to consider how their actions will affect nonresidents. After that consideration, make appropriate decisions with the...
First gun was a Savage .22, followed quickly by a Remington 870 Express which rusts when it sees daylight :rolleyes: . Still, the only deer I've killed with a gun fell to that shotgun.
Really puts it in perspective. Also, I can't imagine the pressure I would feel going on a hunt that took literally 30 years of point building to draw. Doesn't sound overly fun.
I'm in the same boat, only with 3 points. I was leaning towards maybe buying points one more year for elk, but if I keep buying deer points I guess I may as well spend the extra $15 or whatever it is for an elk point. From what I understand I'll never really make much progress but like others...
Dont forget doe tags, especially with the time you have. Because they're random draw you could even try putting in for a unit with more access just to save some headache.
So I got bit by the Western hunting bug after finding Randy and his platforms when my oldest kid was born and I was home on paternity leave, but between living on the East Coast and being the primary caregiver of two little kids going on 7-10 day hunts just isn't in the cards for a little while...