Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Shoulder mounts, half mounts and full mounts all take up significantly more space and I've seen plenty that don't do the animal any justice. Part of what I love about the euro mount is that it isn't trying to look like what the animal looked like in life. It...
I couldn't find a thread on this anywhere yet, but one of the bullets makes it look like it'll be easier for the FT crew to do their filming. I know they've done an absolute bang-up job following the rules, even to the point...
That NIH release is some of the best news I've seen about CWD in a long time. As much of a fuss gets raised about every fake news story regarding "zombie deer", I'm disappointed this didn't get more coverage when it came out more than six months ago.
As to the discussion, to this date my wife...
Really amazing storytelling. Thank you. One of the Sheep Societies had a similar hunt they were raffling off that closed this week. I did the math on everything it didn't include and quickly realized the "free" hunt would still likely top 20k. I need to do a better job of putting money aside so...
Any recommendation on which is a more useful learning experience as far as applying the knowledge to a 1st rifle between an archery tag or a 2nd/3rd rifle?
So I have some stupid questions (insert "there are no stupid questions, only stupid people"). How do you start figuring out where you're going to apply? I have 5 elk points in CO and there's a chance my family circumstances might let me actually go on my first elk hunt either this year or next...
I've shot all but that WinLite and been pleased with accuracy overall. That said, having never shot a nilgai, I'd lean towards the more solid bullet construction as well. I've been very happy with both the Federal Trophy Copper and the Remington coppers for both accuracy and construction. So for...
I have the same saddle and just picked up the back band (one more thing to figure out...). Somehow like an idiot I just discovered this summer how to adjust the bridge. Talk about a freaking light bulb going off. For the life of me I hadn't been able to figure out how guys could have the tree...
I'm going into year 3 in a saddle and it's absolutely a learning experience. One step forward, one step back, eventually I'll get the hang of it. For someone that doesn't get out nearly as much as I want to because of family responsibilities, it's hard coming from a Summit climber making the...
I've had success with pretty much all of the above mentioned slugs out of my 870. Best group was Hornady SSTs, but I shot my first deer with Remington copper solids (first with the slug, not first deer) and loved the lack of meat loss due to bloodshot loss. The kick from that gun has honestly...
I usually apply. One thing I haven't been able to wrap my head around if I ever did draw... doesn't PA make you check the thing in whole? How on earth is that feasible?
What's funny for me, living in Maryland - the public spot I hunt during the gun season had more PA plates than MD plates on the opener up until that change. Ever since, no more PA guys. It's actually made it harder having fewer folks in the woods bumping deer all over the place.
Criminally negligent homicide is a felony. Jail time plus supervised probation over a year, max sentence of three years. The misdemeanor was the careless hunting charge that led to a $500 fine. Convicted on both.