
Search results

  1. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    It works! Seriously I’ve done this so many times. Squirrels sound like demons at night. Ignorance is bliss.
  2. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    Good advice and I have a pile of images just like this! But yeah like you said, can't really operate that way during bow season.
  3. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    Great advice here, I need to think more about these tactics
  4. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    Yeah we bring powerbanks and I have a Dark Energy solar panel so we'd be good to go.
  5. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    That looks great. I’ve looked at these but hadn’t seen this particular brand. Might have to happen.
  6. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    Campsite selection when considering griz safety vs what we typically look for is a great point - totally different criteria. I like the idea of using natural barriers to camp entry, maybe even some make-shift tree walls if we have the time or know we’re going to be in one spot for a while. I’m...
  7. daltrix99

    Grizzly Bear Deterrents while Backpack Camping (increased safety while sleeping)

    Hey folks! Experienced backpack hunter here in Montana and Idaho, often in pretty serious Griz country. I don't plan on not doing this any time soon, but every dang year there seem to be more and more serious Griz incidents in or near my hunting areas. In the last ten years my hunting crew has...
  8. daltrix99

    BOTSWANA: Leopard Hunt With Hounds - Botswana, Africa - September 2023

    Awesome info, thanks for the response!
  9. daltrix99

    BOTSWANA: Leopard Hunt With Hounds - Botswana, Africa - September 2023

    Great photos and write-up! I've spent a lot of time in East Africa (and going back again this year). I don't have familiarity with hound hunting there. Do hounds have a high mortality rate out there? Where I've spent time in rural Kenya and Tanzania I would assume hounds would be killed quite...
  10. daltrix99

    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Please keep the rest of us updated as much as you can on HT so that we can follow, but also so that we can express support for the effort and progress you guys make.
  11. daltrix99

    Blood meridian movie

    One of my favorite novels of all time - I am cautiously optimistic. Optimism because Hillcoat successfully adopted The Road to film, and because No Country was such a success on screen. Cautious for the obvious challenges to but this book to screen. Also because my favorite McCarthy novel (and...
  12. daltrix99

    Idaho Palisades 2024 elk hunt

    I used to hunt that area quite a bit and ended up abandoning it due to the pressure. We would backpack in and still see the hills around us light up with campfires every night. Also, anywhere in that area that is legal for ATVs and side by sides, there will be ATVs and side by sides...lots of...
  13. daltrix99

    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Great post Randy, thanks for sharing your thoughts and being solution-focused. When you say 'us' above, are you including citizens? I would love to hear more from experienced advocates like yourself how a passionate resident hunter like myself can affect policy and management beyond writing...
  14. daltrix99

    Montana deer questions

    Highly recommend Jay Scott's podcast and youtube channel for exactly this. IMO he is the best at field judging animals.
  15. daltrix99

    New from Montana

    Welcome! Post a side and rear angle as well, very tough to guess from that angle alone.
  16. daltrix99

    Awesome, thanks for the info. We prefer to bow hunt anyways. On the public and BMA questioning -...

    Awesome, thanks for the info. We prefer to bow hunt anyways. On the public and BMA questioning - when we draw the tag we will really be looking at whether or not to hunt up in the mountains or hills, or down in the breaks. Seems like there is more pressure in the breaks, especially with guys...
  17. daltrix99

    Hey there, congrats on the hunt in 690! I have been putting in for the archery tag in here for...

    Hey there, congrats on the hunt in 690! I have been putting in for the archery tag in here for a while, and we are close to drawing. I was wondering if you could offer thoughts on: Do you think it's possible to get on the elk while September public land/BMA archery hunting? Given your...
  18. daltrix99

    Hey man - is this Cody, and you used to be 'elkfishing' below?

    Hey man - is this Cody, and you used to be 'elkfishing' below?
  19. daltrix99

    My arrow just hit a TWIG en route to the deer of a lifetime

    Damn dude I’m sorry that sucks. Best of luck on the search. Had another buddy lose a big deer recently too.
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