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  1. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    I swung down to WY this past weekend to cross it off my list. It was a fun trip, but I'm not used to seeing grizzlys in the creek bottoms I'm turkey hunting in. I videoed one after it came out of the creek bottom less than 100yds from where I was sitting in the truck after having just come out...
  2. P

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    Plenty do....but don't do it in powder river
  3. P

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    You will be hard pressed to find a DA that will push a cornor crossing case in MT. Wardens will not issue a ticket for this alone.
  4. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Hosted a buddy from OH this weekend. Had a blast. These will be the last of 2023 MT spring turkey pics from me...probably
  5. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    I sent you a PM on the IDaho red dot law
  6. P

    Hey Just an FYI Idaho does allow the use of red dots. In any hunt, including any-weapon...

    Hey Just an FYI Idaho does allow the use of red dots. In any hunt, including any-weapon seasons, it is unlawful to pursue or kill big game animals: • By any means other than approved firearms, muzzleloaders and archery methods. • With any electronic device attached to, or incorporated on, the...
  7. P

    Montana MSG Results

    You end up with less after drawing tags they want
  8. P

    Montana MSG Results

    There are few things more satisfying in life than telling your friends you have drawn another big three tag when they have yet to draw one. LOL
  9. P

    Montana MSG Results

    I just hope I dont draw another sheep tag. Im running out of wall space
  10. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Took a trip out to WI for 3rd season. 20min into first morning WI became state 21. What a fun trip hunting the wide open hardwoods. The real credit goes to Caleb who lives there and did all the scouting and put me on a couple of hot birds the first morning. I got to say the beards on the...
  11. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    I helped out a couple new buddies from Illinois this weekend. they were done the 1st morning by 830. These two birds are some of the biggest ive seen in the last couple yrs. 21.5 and 22 lbs respectively. One had 1 1/4" spurs and the other had a paintbrush 10" beard.
  12. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Weather was all over the board this past weekend from below freezing temps and snow to Sunny and upper 60s but it didn't matter the turkeys really wanted to play. Birds where I was were still in big winter groups
  13. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Weird...I coyote hunt on some of the ranches that let me turkey hunt and I average 5-7 yotes a day calling them.
  14. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Its weird, ive been turkey hunting for 39yrs, done many thousands of setups across 20 states several of which are crawling with coyotes and ive never had a coyote come into a setup close enough to shoot.
  15. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Hope it all melts by may 3
  16. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    Cant complain about MT opening weekend 2023. We had plenty of action. 3 down on day 1. One off the roost, one mid morning and one afternooner. My daughter got a little excited and got this jake mixed up with the 5 full fan toms in front of her at 25yds sat afternoon. She blames me, she stated...
  17. P

    2023 spring turkey!

    I couldnt wait for MT to open so I took a rd trip to a reservation in NE to get a jump on the season. Was pretty good. I got one in the late afternoon and the other off the roost. Was nice to get away from winter for a few days.
  18. P

    .300 WSM for Pronghorn?

    I use my 300wsm with 180gr accubonds and it works great. I wouldnt try to hit the shoulder but Ive never had an issue with it.
  19. P

    Fort Berhold Turkeys

    Any one on here ever hunted this Reservation for spring turkey?
  20. P

    Steel shot vs. lead and others- Lethality

    I have found todays steel rounds fired at responsible ranges work great for waterfowl. I cant speak for upland since I rarely hunt upland.