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  1. F

    Fenix headlamp?

    I've enjoyed mine around the house the last few years but it hasn't gotten much use while hunting. The only downside I can think of is that they can get pretty hot. Has never been an issue until I gave mine to my son to play with and it got left on under a pillow on the couch. We now have about...
  2. F

    Short 7mm-08 barrel length?

    Personally I think that has to do more with weight than length but I see what you’re saying
  3. F

    G5 Montec or VPA Three Blade

    Never used them but yes I think it’s a better design than the VPA
  4. F

    G5 Montec or VPA Three Blade

    The RMS gear 3 blade would be another one to look at.
  5. F

    G5 Montec or VPA Three Blade

    I have not compared them but I’m done shooting vented heads. They’re just too loud for me and I can’t shoot the difference between vented and non vented
  6. F

    G5 Montec or VPA Three Blade

    I would probably do the VPA solids
  7. F

    MT wilderness mountain goat tag

    Have any pics of your ID goat to post up?
  8. F

    Short 7mm-08 barrel length?

    Are you saying that the shorter barrels are less accurate than a longer barrel?
  9. F

    Short 7mm-08 barrel length?

    For hunting 300 and in, I would do 16-18”
  10. F

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    Another convenient fact they choose to ignore….
  11. F

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    Can’t elk carry Brucellosis too?
  12. F

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    I’m not saying that people in ag should have to pay higher taxes. I understand that’s one of the ways its feasible for them to make it. I just find it entertaining when the rich complain about an organization not paying taxes while they themselves are not paying taxes. Well, lower taxes that is
  13. F

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    So it’s highly likely that while UPOM is squealing about APR not paying taxes, a lot of their supporters are paying ag rates for their hunting properties instead of the rate they should be paying?
  14. F

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    I'm probably a little over my head on this one but does anyone know the difference in tax rates between ag land and personal/commercial land? I have a feeling there's a lot of properties now that are owned for personal or commercial use but are still being taxed at the ag rate.
  15. F

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    That'll be a hard one to miss on the river. I'll have to keep an eye out for you when I make it back down there
  16. F


    My wife has been making homemade marshmallows and graham crackers for our smores. Those with a peanut butter cup is amazing
  17. F

    Montana’s best steaks

    Spring Creek Bar out Sarpy Creek used to have a pretty good prime rib but I haven't been out there in a long time
  18. F

    Reduced recoil bullet selection

    I know this isn't what you asked but is there any chance you have a .223 laying around? I would just drop down in caliber before I started making reduced recoil loads
  19. F

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I concur and understand why things are being talked about. Before this group met, they were told to not waste anybody’s time by bringing a LE proposal to the table because it wasn’t going to happen. They would entertain hearing ideas about changing the season structure but LE wasn’t even on the...
  20. F

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    I’m having a hard time understanding the chatter about LE as the department told this group to not even bother proposing it. Change is not likely and LE is even way less likely
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