PEAX Equipment

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  1. J

    Want a new fixed blade, opinion on shapes

    I love my Montana Knife Company Blackfoot 2.0. Perfect design and size for hunting.
  2. J

    Mrs. Fin's Slot Limit

    Congrats! Looks like the water levels have been making a recovery
  3. J

    Adobetown Road proposed abandonment

    I lived in Ennis last year and had a property purchase fall through and am now back in the gallatin, but I still try to follow what is going on and will hopefully move back someday.
  4. J

    Adobetown Road proposed abandonment

    As long as it happens it would probably not be a large negative. There is some hesitation that if this goes through, other abandonments in the county that have been previously proposed will pass and have larger impacts.
  5. J

    Adobetown Road proposed abandonment

    More information here:
  6. J

    Adobetown Road proposed abandonment

    I just read that there is a public meeting regarding a petition to abandon Adobetown Road near Nevada City. This is a petition from private landowners to remove a public road. The meeting is Tuesday, May 17 at 6 PM at the Alder Fire Hall. This road provides access to BLM on the north end of...
  7. J

    Getting Ducks/Geese to Finish

    A few things I have learned over the years It never hurts to have more decoys make sure your decoys are clean and well painted. Waterfowl live in the water. They don't live with mud on them, so make sure to keep your decoys clean I like to set up 20 or so yards away from the decoys...
  8. J

    Montana Legislative Topics - 2021 Legislative Session

    LC0766 - Revising laws related to bonus points
  9. J

    Montana Legislative Topics - 2021 Legislative Session

    LC0370 - Remove Occupation from hunting/fishing license application requirements
  10. J

    Barrel threader in Montana

    AEM Precision in Jordan. Eric Miller is a great gunsmith
  11. J

    What Sausage stuffer

    I'm looking to get a sausage stuffer. I'm mainly planning on making brautwersts, but I'm also going to try some snack sticks. I live close to Sausage Equipment supply and will be purchasing from them. I think I've decided to get an electronic stuffer since I'll be mainly doing this process by...
  12. J

    Why did this euro turn yellow?

    It was probably cleaned by beetles but not bleached. The glue is a new thing, but you could get a bleaching kit and bleach it
  13. J

    Anyone care to try and talk some sense into this guy?

    Well, goodbye Colorado mule deer hunting as you know it. Everyone talks elk, but I think that the mule deer populations have suffered more
  14. J


    Sorry, they are long gone
  15. J

    Bringing a nice gun to the duck blind

    While I do not hunt with wood guns anymore in the duck blind, how I would do it now would be a hard case and if the gun is not physically being held in my hands, it would be in the case. The clean and oil everyone is recommending would be done afterwards. I have a very nice wingmaster I...
  16. J

    Camera strap for hanging on backpack

    I haven't been able to get a video yet, but I will try to this weekend, but I also ordered the Joby gorillapod kit and it has the Joby ball head and clamps down great. is a link to what I ordered
  17. J

    Breaking Game Laws THEN Uploading It To YouTube?

    Thanks for the response. I’m hoping nothing comes of it and if this thread wouldn’t have happened, I would’ve been ticked for a lighted nock and a mechanical broadhead if I had hunted Idaho. Being that I’m in Ennis, I’ve definitely been considering Idaho
  18. J

    Breaking Game Laws THEN Uploading It To YouTube?

    @Big Fin did anything ever come of this with Idaho Fish and Game?
  19. J

    Camera strap for hanging on backpack

    I have the Sirui T tripod that Marcus suggested last year in one of the videos and found out today that it will fit. It is tight, but I was able to get some video and take some pictures and it works well with my mirrorless camera...
  20. J

    Camera strap for hanging on backpack

    do you know of any heads that are compatible with the peak design clip? I'm not against getting a nice head.

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