Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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    Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

    Some of my best bike rides were without strava
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    2023 Garden!

    Fruiting; Tomatoes & peppers & cucumbers Legumes; peas. Also broccoli and potatoes and lettuce Roots; fennel/anise, beets, carrots, radish
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    Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

    Memorial Day ride 21 mi in before 3 kids wake up
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    Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

    Accountability check in #3 1) current weight 173 2) 10 hrs + activity per week 3) 6.8 hrs asleep per night 4) 664/2200 mi/yr 30% miles done @ 42% of year done roughly 3.5 weeks off in April to recover from vasectomy, which is 7% of the year, so I’m content with the in real effort compared to...
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    Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Submitted

    Hmmm. I agree personal responsibility has decreased, as a result of societal and cultural changes. Unfortunately, I’m not sure that genie can go back in the bottle. Forks and food is personal responsibility, yes. Self inflicted. Innocent bystander being killed by school or public shooting...
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    Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Submitted

    Sorry for not being more clear. I’ll go back and edit the original. That is not what I was saying at all. Do you have stats to prove that the majority of gun deaths are the result of drinking? Im afraid you’re not making yourself clear. What “controls” are you talking about? This is my...
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    Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Submitted

    Drunk driving and blaming cars is a good corollary to mass shooting and blaming guns. Major injury or death is result for the innocent bystander for the perpetrator actions. Drunk driving deaths have been decreased by 37% since 1982. During this time population has increased, more people are...
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    Maximum hearing protection and tinninitis

    My Dr recommended this website Which goes into great detail about hyperacusis. the description of the different levels(severity) of it and reading some of the message board was uselful for me for context. They way you describe it is similar. Certain noises (esp my 1...
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    Sh*t our kids do

    Truffles with just middle sucked out
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    Maximum hearing protection and tinninitis

    agreed, the ears still leave a lot of unknowns. I noticed major sensitivity to certain frequencies and saw ear/nose/throat doc, got a hearing test done. Hearing test passed. Hyperacusis was the diagnosis, similar to tinnitus. It can be managed
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    Will the Great Salt Lake dry up?

    As much as I enjoy hunting. This is in top 10% of least important things to worry about.
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    Will the Great Salt Lake dry up?

    I suggest you Read Cadillac desert chapter about this. US army corp engineers looked into it. Would require a nuclear plant every 100 (or 500, I don’t recall exactly) miles or so from Mississippi to pipeline end. It Wasn’t finiancially viable. And US army corp Of engineers just loved to build...
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    Will the Great Salt Lake dry up?

    Yes, if human actions with inflows to terminal Lakes track like the last 100 years. It’s not a debate over whether climate change is real or not folks, it’s water diversions and water rights. Aral Sea Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan - dry. water inflows diverted for ag by Ruskies. Owens lake - dry...
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    Gear Clearout

    I was selling a $100 item for $20. Lady #1 offers me $10-15 (not even a price but a range? WTF?!?). No. So I raised price to $25 and told her she could talk me down to $20. She said no thanks. I sold it to lady#2 next day for $25. Almost gave lady #1 a 10% commission on the extra $5 I made...
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    Word. All the snow melted this weekend. I just shoveled driveway for 3rd time today… at least 24” if not 30” in past 2 days and it’s still falling fast. Uh
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    Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

    Takeaway: having some people to share accountability helps. I need to do it more Often. Accountability check in #2 1) current weight 175; fit into jeans I bought 15 years ago much better. Stopped tracking food calories; but will probably use the tool to set up my hunting meals when in field...
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    Artificial Intelligence and Public Comment

    Spelling errors
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    Vail resorts good or evil?:nimbyism in the inter mountain west.

    Which is their goal since IPO… though it does seem like this type of move is on the “wrong side” of the line; however other operational (which result in externalities) and accounting maneuvers still remain on the “right side” of the line
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    Vail resorts good or evil?:nimbyism in the inter mountain west.

    Naw do it like Pullman in the company town back in late 1800’s; cut the pay and keep rents/utilities same. So is this progress?!?!