Depends on moisture content of snow more than depth.
Here is SLC UT electric works for 3-4” wet/dense snow if it’s not been walked on or packed down.
If it’s dry snow maybe 1.5x-2x that depth it’s effective. Gotta go slow tho. I borrowed neighbors electric before making decision to buy a...
Yes I have 2 pair wool pants, wool socks (darn tough) merino wool base upper layer, wool Pendleton button up and wool sweater. Only downside is need a plastic windbreaker.
Wool briefs didn’t last very long however. Mainly for rocky mtn elk & mulies
I bought a used 300 win mag that came with a leupold VX 3L, 50mm objective with the crescent cut out of bottom so it sits lower on gun. Been good so far; success between 100-400 yards. One missed animal due to dropping it and not realized zero was off, will not make that mistake again. Guess I’m...
Hey thanks for posting about late fall being better hide quality for rug. I was going to start a thread asking this question but decided to use search feature instead. BOOM.
Looks like you are guaranteed to draw whatever tag you put in for, so I understand the reason for asking. Ive only looked at the biologist notes from
Utah hunt planner so have no boots on ground infor for you, but that resource is pretty good one absent anything else
Black diamond headlights are garbage. They do seem to know this and warranty them at least; I’ve gone through a least a dozen. Warranties of warranties of warranties
Fantastic writing; Thanks for sharing your great hunt story. I’ve been curious about how the red roadless area of books cliffs looks, your pictures show it being big and amazing.