Hold on NEWT!!! If Killing aint fun then why don't we all run down to the local meat market and just buy it and save bundles of money in the process. There is some truth both ways but let's face it> there are very few of us that actually need to elk hunt to survive. Just look at me> I enjoy the...
Very respectable bull no doubt. The right side is a little shy of the left. The mains are between 48 and 50 inches but it is probably more like 14 or 15 on the right side g1 g2. Wild guess; 335 to 340. Great pics!!
Washington as well as several other states have subsistence programs set up for tribal members of specific tribes in selected states. We happen to have 27 tribes state wide, maybe even more. Not all of them use the subsistence but a good many do.
If you lived in a remote area and were forced to live off the land how relevant would money be then? My point is money doesn't apply to every person in this world like you think. What about the starvin Pigmys? Do you think they give a shit about how much something costs when running around...
Are those the Sitka blacktail? I hunted prince of whales Island a few years back and we just cooned the deer and bear over there. There were some real toads but you had to get high early and cover the real estate!!
The elk are not on the inside, they are on the outside!! As far as them not deserving compensation for their efforts is a direct reflection of a certain way of thinking. Do you put yourself above everything else on this planet?? I don't think you have the crudentials to put youself on that...
Tom, you need to quit reading so many books and open your eyes to the real world and how it works. The land does not charge me, you, the elk, the deer, the bear, or any other game that inhabits it. If you'll notice, the elk manage themselves, so according to the way you are thinking, the land...
Tom; I think one could get a fair assessment of how much it costs to raise a rocky if you were to take a tootsie roll tootsie pop and see how many licks it takes to get to the center of it. Once a man has this equasion figured out one could apply this knowledge to his memory bank a just say to...
Guess that means I'm a huntin Idaho!! ;)
If it aint free it aint worth havin!! :D
Personally I like going to garage sales and looking for the free stuff. |oo
Thank goodness for welfare/otherwise I couldn't afford to hunt out a state!! :p
Good thing we got seven kids to get food stamps too...
right on man. Those guys don't sleep like that very often. I caught a nice blacktail all stretched out like that one day sunning himself. Same thing, I thought he was dead. I started walking toward him and he started to lift his head. I pulled up and laid him right back down! It was awsome. HE HE ;)