Ours are in now, was pretty cool to see my oldest daughter put in for deer also,
n the way there we were talking about hunting other states cause we werent going to get drawn here anyway LOL , she is interested, I am game as long as work holds out and were going to work on Getting Anthony his...
Hold off before you upgrade anything, the" hunttalk" section of the website is propagateing to the new server it takes 72 hours,
Oaks suggestion is right on, but in a few days going to hunttalk.com will bring you right here., if it doesnt just clear your cookies reboot and your good to go.
No we always had the newest post be the last one on the thread, reasoning being.
lets say a new person shows up on this theard.
he has no clue to what we are talking about. when A new person reads a post like it is now he knows what we are talking about.
its gets more evident this is the best...
But you did bring up another question/problem that has been bugging me since the day we started using VB here years ago and on my other Vb sites as well. and thats typing in a story and having someone posting during the middle. I have tried to figure a way to do this on only have 2 ways,
here one problem just like the old forum.
having to many pictures in one thread will make it harder for guys with dial ups and dsl to open the thread.
I believe Austin Opened the forum up to 10-15 pictures per post. 10 pics are plenty per post and shouldnt affect guys with slower services.
Not quite.
the old gallery aka VB gallery is JUNK, however the pictures are still on the sever. They are working on a new gallery Maybe, but that being said we still have the pictures.
Once they figure out which gallery if one they are going to use they will be converted so they will read in the...
Right now its gone.Personally I think its best,
it might be avail in the future once they get all the bugs worked out of the new board, I would liek to see it stay as long as people arent dicks
If you click on a profile of a person with a gallery or pictures you will see there albumlist on the right hand side , of course unless they are private and havent giving you permission to view them.
per post your allowed to put in 6 images I will see if we can up it some as smileies count as...
Once your Album is created you will get a screen like this to upload pictures, Click on Click here to upload pictures
Now you grab the picture off you Computer
Click Browse to find your picture on your PC, When you find it click save then click Upload Picture
it will then come to this...