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  1. W

    Hornady Custom ammo, Bad brass!

    Thanks Dan, and be sure to let us know what Olin has to say, and I'll do the same if I hear anything. INTERESTING(?) when the bolt won't open. Dan ya need help. Professional help. WD.
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    how to hunt coyote!!!

    Wolfer, Does your post on hunting with greyhounds/ irish wolfhounds ever bring back memories. My grand dad was famous around here for having about half a dozen of these things that he hunted fox with and went to Nebraska to hunt coyote with them about every other year (we didn't have 'yotes here...
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    Hornady Custom ammo, Bad brass!

    Danr, Gee thanks for checking on all this, and please keep us up to speed on what ya find out. If they dump the 748 that will fire up a bunch of 223 shooters that I know. I went back over my records out of curiosity yesterday and checked on when I developed the loads for the Swift, 22-250...
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    .220 Howell vs .243 Winchester

    Ken, you must be a mind reader too, this morning I was wondering how this compared ballisticly to the 6mm or the 243....and WWWWHHHAAAAA..ya had it on the board. Do you have any data on CUP (pressure)? Also, does this take a pretty stiff action to hold it or is say a 700 Rem action strong...
  5. W

    Hornady Custom ammo, Bad brass!

    Danr, I've used 760 since back in the late 70's or early 80's, in 30-06, 243, 220 Swift, 22-250,25-06, and I think in the 6-284, never once had a problem with the powder showing excessive pressure on hot days. But bear in mind that hot is a relative term... hot out there is HOT! Gee deadeye...
  6. W

    Hornady Custom ammo, Bad brass!

    deadeye, I've used ww760 since Christ was a corporal, and 3 things I can say from experince on the stuff. 1) if you sight in on a 40 degree day, then shoot again on a 90 degree day... the point of impact will have changed some, but usually not more than an inch or so. On big game this is nothing...
  7. W

    Who has killed what with a .243

    I've shot quite a few deer with mine in various sizes. Have used the ballistic tip bullets for the last 3 years in it with no problems and all clean, drop in their tracks harvests Before that I used spire points and had to blood trail one about 80 yds. Would definately aggree that you need to be...
  8. W

    .220 Howell — reamer dimensions

    Califhntr---OOOOOPPPPS my bad. Ken, Thanks for the reply. I have no stake in either, but have some previous experience with the 6mm 284. I am getting in the mood to have another varmint rifle built and this time I was considering going the wildcat route but haven't decided on what to go with...
  9. W

    .220 Howell — reamer dimensions

    Ken & Dan, While we are somewhat on the topic of wildcat cartidges here, what are your opinions on the 17-223, and the 6mm-284? WD.
  10. W

    .220 Howell — reamer dimensions

    Ken, good to have you on the board with us and don't be so bashful. I have seen the 220 Howell listed and discussed in the Varmint Hunter magazine a time or two that I remember. Like Dan, I'd be curious as to the recommended twist rate for this round. Also, can I ask which barrel maker you...
  11. W

    Hornady SST Bullets

    Danr, Yeah it must be new, the first that I heard of 'em was last fall, now I see they are advertised on several of the reloading sites. They are called SST (super shock tipped) from what the ads say it sounds like a hybrid between the Ballistic tip and the Partition. It shows a Polycarb tip...
  12. W

    Mail order reloading sup.

    For Lock stock and barrel,
  13. W

    Hornady SST Bullets

    Have any of you guys tried any of these yet? Was curious to hear if anyone has any accuracy or performance on game experience with these. WD.
  14. W

    Mail order reloading sup.

    Anaconda, let me be a band wagoner if you will and join several of the other posts recommeding Lock Stock and Barrel. I have never had any problem with them, and they are very competitive on pricing. Another one you may try that is Huntingtons (I think that is the right...
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    Simmons 44 Mag

  16. W

    .22 Centerifres

    Shadowrider, Assuming that where you'll be hunting will be in the wide open spaces compared to around here, I'll cast my vote for the 22-250. I have a 220 Swift and love it dearly, but I'd be less than honest if I told you that it wasn't a finicky cuss like the other 3 I've messed with. Once...
  17. W

    .223 loads

    red, The Varget is a real fine cut extruded powder, not a ball powder. Meters pretty good, and burns similar in rate to 4064.WD.
  18. W

    reg. primers vs. mag. primers?

    josh, Please don't take this as an endorsement for the use of magnum primers in just any situation. I have shot many different calibers reloaded with the magnum primers, and I know some reloaders who use only magnum primers with great success. In my opinion he lucked out in that this mistake...
  19. W

    Who is EVERYONE?!?!? PART 3

    Name: Wayne Dodge 48 years old. Began hunting by myself when I was 8 years old. Took up reloading when I was 17. Haven't slowed down on either one since. I've lived in central Ohio all my life. Been marrried for 23 years (same woman). My favorite hunting is a toss up between 'chucks and...
  20. W

    Varmint Hunters Magazine

    Rem223, Are you a member of VHA? Just a plug for them, of all the memberships their's is the crown jewel as far as I'm concerned. Alot of great reading, information, contacts, and reviews.WD.