I wiss I could Email you some snow :D Last time we tried that it lost all it's white in syberspace :D We got another 6" here today but now our season is over :mad: I only hunted 9 days this year.Put the dogs on 10 tracks got 6 of them jumped and killed 4 .Our Fish and Game shortened our...
Hay George
We got 2 stormes this week with 6" or more of snow each time.2 days I tried to run but by the time I found a track the sun came out and the snow sofend up and started falling from the trees and covered the track.I whent to big lake today to tend beaver trapps and see a cat go onto a...
Theres a nice little house for sale right here in Grand Lake Stream :D
And lots of Bobcats and Bears :D
And you can leap our Mountains with a sigle bound LOL
I would be having more fun If my knee whern't the size of a watermelen.I must be getting old.Paul Lanny was over your way last week and killed 3 nice cats.And let 2 go.One was a half mile from George Perry's house.I had 58 beavers last count and came home with 3 more today and A Otta.I am going...
Waist deep!!!!! I am going to be neck deep in A few days.I spent 3 days the first of the week setting up 15 houses.Going to start tending them tomorow.We have only got a few dustings of snow here this week,not realy enuf to run on.But the ice is just right for Beaver trapping :D Gota make money...
Hay George
Not real good running right now.Where geting a storm this weekend Hopefully about 8".I got around 30 Beaver on my own and another 34 with my brother David.The ice just got good and safe so I can realy go after them now.We have snared 15 coyots.There seems to be alot of Cats around...
MD4me Pictures are coming soon.
George My Email is [email protected]
David's Email is [email protected]
Wether report is caling for Rain and frezing rain tomorow and tuesday I hope there wrong.
Bobcat # 2 today :D :D Poul Laney came over and we wen't at it with Roxy and Sue his plott (one of the fastest hounds I have run a cat with)She and Roxy where shoulder to shoulder all the way.Only about 40yds behind the cat when poul shot him A 28# tom.George Next time someone from Idaho wants...
Bobcat # 2 today :D :D Poul Laney came over and we wen't at it with Roxy and Sue his plott (one of the fastest hounds I have run a cat with)She and Roxy where shoulder to shoulder all the way.Only about 40yds behind the cat when poul shot him A 28# tom.George Next time someone from Idaho wants...
Real nice 30# female Bobcat.Roxy and Lucy did a real good job of cold trailing jumping and realy put the presure on when he circled.I hit her one's going by and hardly had time to reload before they brought her by again.Maineiac and George wiss you where here. :D :D
Real nice 30# female Bobcat.Roxy and Lucy did a real good job of cold trailing jumping and realy put the presure on when he circled.I hit her one's going by and hardly had time to reload before they brought her by again.Maineiac and George wiss you where here. :D :D
Hay Maineiac
Maybe you can go to the airport with me to pic them up :D seeing a real babysiter will help sooth them :D I found 2 cat tracks today but to old to run.Paul got A nice one on saterday.34# with his sue plott hound.
I Guide bear hunters each fall.Theres a woman from PA I have guided 6 times.She uses a 25/06.and has shot 6 bear with it Every one of them died within site of her.She also hunts deer with it and kills on average 5 deer a year between PA ME and TX
You didn't hafta hord it all!!!!!!!!!!
We got not a flake. We do have some ice now and if the temps stay where they are I will be able to walk on it in a few days.Got 34 beavers from 3 houses on one river from a canoe last week.Good luck running tomorow.You running cats or Yot's?
George good luck with your new yot hound.I will be trying Roxy with wiskey to see if she is a cat hound.Rock is doing alot better I am going to take him out for some exercise and see if he can run again soon.
Gato your suposto us them sleds to hunt of not drag race with em LOL.I just had a nice...