Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. L

    Muley Hunt Outfitter Help

    So, you are looking for 3 hunts, correct?
  2. L

    New Mexico trifecta dream season

    What tag did you draw?
  3. L

    Pick a state to become a resident ...

    New Mexico. I heard it's easy to get elk tags.
  4. L

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Does this bother you?
  5. L

    Pick a state to become a resident ...

    LMFAO I'd rent before you buy.
  6. L

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    Wow, that's a good one.
  7. L

    Great Social Media posts?

    Thank you for providing my Daily Dose of Internet Stupid.
  8. L

    Good for you Botswana

    Best reply to a Buzzh comment I've ever read here.
  9. L

    2024 Colorado Statewide Sheep, Mountain Goat, and Pronghorn Raffles

    Do you think @Big Fin would consider another round?
  10. L

    WYGF March 18 updated proposals

    There are a lot of people who understood how it worked for 2 decades or more . . . until they decided to change how it works. I agree with you going forward, if someone is buying in from 0 starting this year then I guess they deserve it.
  11. L

    Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

    What do you think the non-resident cap, or quota, is in Washington?
  12. L

    Great Social Media posts?

    Or a Yeti sticker and make it worth $85.
  13. L

    NZ Trophy Export costs

    I brought back all my stuff as well. If you are only doing euros it would be easy. I would just cut one antler off for easier shipping and have a taxidermist pin it when you get home.
  14. L

    Sometimes it takes a lot of patience!

    I am kind of surprised it misspelled maize.
  15. L

    Wy supertag

    Nice to see the tag distribution fall along dollars spent for R/NR.
  16. L

    Idaho Big 3 tags for outfitters

    Is that picture . . .
  17. L

    Utard video

    It's moderated?
  18. L

    How Many Points Needed to Draw a Wolly Mammoth Tag?

    You are obviously not a conservationist then.
  19. L

    Beyond a dream, what's your ultimate hunt?

    Are you trying to draw the October rifle tag?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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