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  1. D

    Only 10 days...

    Jim, they're loving it here...the herd is more successful than anyone imagined. The imports were from a mishmash of places, including Kansas, Utah, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon and Arizona. The fact that 1500 imports in '97-98 has turned into over 5000 animals today and growing, and that...
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    Hunt Talk Hillbilly Fest: A Tribute

    Good times...good times. :D This year it's Little Nut's turn to bag the brown. Dangit. ;)
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    Only 10 days...

    Tom, this year it's 100 tags plus two special tags given to groups that agree to auction them for wildlife conservation money spent in KY. New this year are "zone-at-large" tags, in addition to the limited-area tags. The limited-area tags are rifle only for a 7-day season, but the at-large...
  4. D

    Only 10 days...

    until the KY elk draw results are posted. Come on, Gibson luck, don't fail me now! Oh, wait...maybe I'd better borrow someone else's luck. :o
  5. D

    Mo monies fo da Deer ...

    That's awesome, Moosie...I wish KY could get that organized. Free beer...maybe that's the ticket. ;)
  6. D

    Life without parole

    Happy anniversary, folks! I've been less than that. ;) May the next 25 be just as full of punishment. :D
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    How to handle hate mail from an activist?

    Ovis, if all he's got is insults, I'd say screw him. You can't argue with a doorpost.
  8. D

    The escalating cost of hunting

    That sucks. So far there hasn't been a whole lot of leasing going on up here, but it's increasing. In a state where 90% or better of the land is already private, and more subdivisions are going in every day, that means that a lot of hunters will soon either do without or start trespassing...
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    *sigh* I won't even bother. Two spikes.
  10. D

    Happy B-Day

    Now it's time to play "caption this photo." I vote for "One more photo and you're going in that river." Happy birthday, compadre!
  11. D

    Team Nut

    I seem to recall some grumbling about of my logging road last November. :p So here's a special before/after extravaganza just for you: BEFORE: AFTER: I actually made a couple more passes after the last pic, so it's even better than it looks. It's all very...
  12. D

    Cabela's Memories in the Field

    I caught this for the first time a couple of days ago on The Outdoor's suprisingly not bad. Instead of having some hunting celebrity (or celebrity wannabe ;) ) constantly plugging sponsor products while hunting or fishing with expensive outfitters, it's made up strictly of home...
  13. D

    Congrats to TurkeyEye

    Congrats Codie! Note to self: pay CLOSE attention to where I step when in Ohio.
  14. D

    Things that go bump in the van.

    That's funny. :D Poor kid...I had a knot or two like that at his age. Now he can tell all his sweeties that he headbutted a mugger or something. ;)
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    Powderburn, all you can do is keep your eye on the prize and remember why you started your program to begin with. If Mr. Wad starts cashing in and the kids AREN'T getting introduced to the outdoors, THEN you should kick his ass, sea bass! :D I learned from my own involvement in other things...
  16. D


    Family of Nut! Welcome back! There was something I wanted to mail you about...what was it? Oh, yeah. PM coming! :D
  17. D


    Hee hee, Harley...just so. :D
  18. D


    I didn't like this one too much, either. I kept waiting for a plot twist that never happened. 2 spikes.
  19. D


    Pretty standard pseudo-religious demon slaying fare. Good special effects and a few new twists to the age old "Hell come to earth" tale. Typical acting from Keanu Reeves. 2 Spikes from me.
  20. D

    Damn Dog!!!!!

    OK, Whiskers, just send me some of yours and I'll try it. :p ;)
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