Found the match to that wide shed I found earlier this week. Too bad the rodents found it before I did |oo :BLEEP: but it is great to put the 2 sheds together again. Give 3 or 4 inches for the skull plate and he is between 34-35 inches wide and should gross around 182 4/8. hump
As It Lays...
Found a couple keepers yesterday. hump
The muley shed scores 80 1/2 inches. It has an amazing 27 1/2 inch mainbeam. Very flat laying. 16 1/2 inches from outside of mainframe to burr. Double that and add a few inches for the skullplate and you are looking at a 35-36 inch wide typical. :cool:
May 19th is the best time to come. That week is always the best week for some reason. Everything is green, the bears are starting to rut, all is good that week. hump
Been hearing of several sightings already this year in the Kamloops area. Never been behind dogs on a bear hunt. Most of the hound guys I know refuse to put out for fear of the bear ripping the dogs a new one. Still think it would be a blast to try it though.
Best of luck on your BC...
You're welcome to come up any time and I'll show ya how it's done. :) We've got so many bears up here that it should only take a few hours for me to cut my tag.
I like to buy my Grizz draw early and send it in in the summer. That way it is the first in line. hump
The doe tag is for tender meat in the freezer. It's nice to suplement the tough ol' rank bucks with the odd tastey chunck of meat. ;) Actually this year, the muley buck I shot in full...
Well, the BC disclaimer. Hell I spent over $300 on tags last year. Most ever. 2 muley tags, 1 whitetail tag, 2 bear tags, 2 cougar tags, 1 moose tag and 1 lynx tag. Only canceled both my muley tags, my whitetail tag, 1 bear tag and 1 cougar tag. It was a poor year for hunting. :D :D...
Congrats to the Crew!!! :) Looks like you got into some good deer. Looks like fun. Wish I could be chasing muleys this time of year. Only 8 months and a bit to go.
I don't how hard this cat hunting is. :rolleyes: Heck went out hiking today to check for tracks and found what looked like a day old set. Followed them right to the cat's lair. Kicked him out. Steaming pile of $hit right there. Had I had my second tag and a rifle I could have probably...
Here's a some pics of a 7'3" tom I got on Sunday. Skull measures 15 4/16. Will get an official score when the 60 days is up. Not bad for my first cat eh? hump hump
Been seeing some decent bucks but nothing jawdropping yet. Everything is still carrying. Moose should be dropping. Saw a decent bull still carrying yesterday. Hoping to find some fresh moose tine this week if I'm lucky.
I still have the wolf in the freezer. Hoping on taking it down to the taxidermist over Christmas. Think I'll just get it soft tanned and I'll hang it. Probably should turn the ears and nose myself and just take it to the tannery. Would probably be cheaper. LOL!
All these animals...
Haven't gone out yet chasing cats. Season goes till the end of March, so I have plenty of time to follow behind the dogs. Probably go out over Christmas break and see if we can get one treed. Might try calling for lynx and bobbies throughout the winter too. :)