A little rant about acquiring hunting tags in the state of Illinois.
Archery deer and turkey tags go on sale on August 1 every year. I usually put it in my calendar and try to get them on August 1, but there is no real rush. Season doesn't start til October 1 and there is no chance that they...
I finally got the Hawaiian Black Ram Euro mount up on the wall of my shed.
I did a little longer post about it on the Woodworking Hunt Talkers thread.
Still need to get the Euro for my buck from last November put up. Hopefully I'll get that done before October 1, the start of my archery season.
I finally got around to making a mount board for the Black Hawaiian Ram Euro mount from my hunt on the Big Island in June.
I bought a piece of Ohia wood in Kona. It is a flowering tree native to Hawaii and they were growing all around the area I hunted.
It was already a board, so I just...
Because I am in the doldrums of hunting season with archery opener in Illinois still 2 months away, I decided to do a little project. I love finding turkey tracks so I preserved the feet off the last turkey I shot and made a couple of stepping stones.
The one on the left turned out way...
I just received the euro mount for the black Hawaiian ram I shot in June. I'm so happy to have it, but I noticed it has a very noticeable and somewhat unpleasant odor. It isn't the smell of rot or anything like that. the skull is clean, and very well done. It is more like the lanolin smell of...
I hate to throw away scraps of wood, but I make way too many of them. I had to purge a bit when I started working on cleaning out the garage. But I got a little bit of a pay off when I recently came up with an idea for a couple of hat hangers.
Out to the scarps I go, pick out a scrap of 1x12...
And that was that. Ram down. It would have gone a little better if I was more well-versed in rifle shooting, but it was neat to use a rifle but ultimately take a kill shot with my bow.
We dragged it over the the shade of a smaller tree to cut up the quarters and get a photo.
And after we...
I sat up an took that picture and we watched as the ram kicked around a little, thinking that he was expriring. And then we saw a tom turkey about 30 yards to the right of where the ram was laying down. I pulled out my mouth call and got his attention, which was fun. I love turkeys.
All of a...
So my guide was carrying a rifle in case one of those bulls should decide to pick a fight with us. Also, although I wanted to do an archery hunt, he said it might be tough to get in to archery range on the sheep so the rifle was an option.
I have not rifle hunted in the past and the few times I...
I just got back from Hawaii and I have a hunt report to share. the back story is that this summer was my 20th anniversary and so my wife and I decided to take the same trip we took for our honeymoon: 4 days on the Bid Island and 6 days on Kauai.
I love Hawaii and I have been there several...
I was able to make up 26 breakfast sausage patties with the rest of that ground venison. I froze them individually so I can just pull out one or two at a time.
I totally forgot to put in garlic per the recipe, but I was really happy with the flavor anyway.
It is funny that when I first got...
I finally got around to grinding up my trimming from the buck I shot last season. I made 8 pounds of Italian sausage and 25 pounds of ground venison and got it all vac sealed. I fried up some of the Italian sausage and put it on my pizza last night. I was very happy with how it turned out.
I've been meaning to post my compound bow and since I just got new strings I figured now was the time. 2018 Bowtech Realm X.
I've hunted with it 6 years and I've taken 3 bucks and 2 does as well as a squirrel and a rabbit.
I went with orange strings since orange is my favorite color...
Mark up another Spring turkey season with no turkeys for me.
But that doesn't mean it was a bad season. It ended yesterday with a great morning of turkey encounters and exploring new territory.
As I walked in at legal shooting light I almost tripped over this nest.
I can't decide if I...
My last turkey hunt of the spring season is set up for tomorrow. It is on some public land in the northwest corner of Illinois. It should be a nice day. I don't think I have much chance at tagging a turkey, but this is an area I want to learn more about so it is more of a scouting for future...
From the start, I wanted to kill a deer with a bow I made myself. I started using a compound bow thinking it would be a good weapon to learn how to hunt deer with. I've had some success. Next step is to hunt with my dad's old recurve. And to start making a bow of my own. I'm pretty sure I can...
So I'm back from two days of turkey hunting with my dad. It was a lot of walking and listening and calling and not seeing any turkeys... The first morning we had a gobbler and it sounded like he was closing in and then poof no more gobbles. We had another gobbler fire off about noon but after a...
I don't think I need to do anything different, I just need to keep practicing. The majority of my shooting I feel is pretty solid, but I do get lazy if I haven't been keeping up on my reps. And when I am lazy... who knows what could happen.
Conversely, when I shoot my recurve, I have to shoot...