We were over a couple weeks ago and ran into cows calves and a couple yearling bulls but the daughter is holding out for bull... at least so far. Need to get back there pretty quick.
I still prefer Onx for most things....but the apple car play feature of gaia got me to bite in the subscription for a year. I really like having it in my dash screen. That said I know Onx is working in the CarPlay functionality and when they have it that is what I will.use.
As I believe I mentioned in an earlier thread.... my daughter drew a West Yellowstone buffalo tag.
We have been busy with other tags so far, but with the snow flying and the season opening next week it is time to get serious about planning. I have scouted all the likely areas throughout the...
Selfishly, I think it would be great to run the gun hunt the month of October and then fiip back to Archery only for the month of November. Motivated, multi-weapon hunters would still have a long season and tons of opportuntiy but the beat down on rutting bucks would be minimized.
Another great day in the woods with my little girl. It was a great day even before we belly crawled 400 yards into a big herd. Got even better when little deadeye anchored this super cool bull in his bed.
Looks to have 3 distinct pedicles...but I guess I'll know more when I get the head...
I did a hunt a few years back (guided) in some of that same country with the same outfit. I actually enjoyed it way more than I expected to. I killed a "nice' ram but have the itch to do it again some day and hold out for a 32"er
With September gone and this years tag punched, I was strolling down memory lane and thought you guys might enjoy the video of my 2008 bull. Haven't shared this one here before.
I am biased because of who I work for... but I have played with lots of the programs and Applied Ballistics is for sure the one I prefer. The simplicity of setting up the balistic profiles in the ap and having your windage and holdover displayed in the rangefinder makes the Sig system ideal for...
I have hunted that unit(s) quite a bit. I have never seen anything nearing 80" but have taken some decent MT representative bucks out of there. Couple would no doubt make the stick and string book if I cared to enter... but B&C is probably a pipe dream there.
I shot the bull at about 6:30pm but he died in a cool shady spot, so we left him lay for another hour and half while we tried to punch my buddies tag. By the time we got arround to pics it was pitch black and the pics I got had to be filtered pretty heavily. Meat was more than fine, but in...
The crew and I went 4 for 5 this weekend with 3 bulls and 1 cow. I got the ball rolling Friday night when this small 6×6 lost his mind and tried to run me over after the first cow call. Happened so fast I completely lost my s#^t and airballed at 12 yards. I have killed a bunch of elk with my...
This map is very helpful! Interestingly....the section in question and several others with similar signs show no restrictions on the map.
And I don't want to be misunderstood. I am a big proponent of private land rights and grew up in a farming community.... nothing but respect for those...
What is everybody's thoughts on this.... seeing more and more of these lately. You already can't drive on these sections...honestly what harm is it doing for an on foot bird hunter to walk the edges field trying to kick up some huns...hunt.... or heck even a big game hunter who carries the...