Well I'm a dummy. Thought I had a pair of boots broke in enough. I now have a blister on my pinky toe. Bottom closest to the next toe.
Tried poking it with a needle to let the blood out. Too calloused or I'm too chicken to push harder.
Any tips to speed up the healing so I can get back...
Lift 3x a week. Cardio 4x. Cardio consists of weighted pack on stair machine, rowing, stationary bike, treadmill, bicycle on dirt roads and some hiking with my weighted pack. I try to mix it up as I get bored. Down 25 pounds for the year. Would like to be down 25 more by the end of the year.
Look at the MR pop up 38. Similar pack. Similar price. It's what I just picked up. I will be testing it this weekend.
I tried a search and failed. Heading to CO in a month ish with a rifle bear tag and a MZ elk tag.
What do you guys attach to your pack to fulfill the hunter orange requirement?
How quickly it reads or in other words how long you have to hold the button. My nikon is a quick push my vortex is a long hold. Father out smaller target harder to hold the vortex on target