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  1. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Accubond Polymer Tip issue

    These are the ones that Shooters Pro Shop was selling as blems--they're all the black/red Accubonds that were sent to Winchester as OEM. Not surprising that you had some of those break off.
  2. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Accubond Polymer Tip issue

    There was an issue with earlier ones, just like @brockel said. How old are those rounds? I had an OLD box of .30 180gr projectiles graciously replaced by Nosler a couple years ago. I also bought some of the blems from shooters pro shop and found the ones that did break off (about 10-15 out of...
  3. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Early morning success

    Great buck and a pretty classy lookin rifle! Congrats to her.
  4. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Wasted bull and poor choices story

    Fr Fr no cap
  5. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Flaky Howa Kuiu...Warranty Update

    Call Hogue and see what they say. It's a Hogue product, so they might offer a replacement (might not be Kuiu, but the outer finish will be intact)
  6. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Recommendations for short-barreled rifle (16-18") with threaded muzzle?

    Ruger Gunsite Scout is a great option. I love mine--an 18" stainless model that I put in the synthetic stock to shave off almost a pound. It's very accurate, handy, and w/ an optic it's only 8.4lbs. Not a 6lb mountain gun that's the trend du jour, but handy and light, while still being...
  7. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Flaky Howa Kuiu...Warranty Update

    It appears to be a Hogue stock, and it's just the outer "sticky/tacky" layer coming off. The actual dip/print on the stock looks like it's staying on just fine. I had the same thing happen on a Savage stock that had a similar finish.
  8. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    The new Bergara B14 Ridge with carbon fiber barrel

    @Jasher any word on these?
  9. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    My next project...

    If you really want a .277, then the 6.8 Western might be a good candidate for you, too. Otherwise I'd echo @brockel with the 7saum idea.
  10. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    Agreed, and thank you to you, and everyone else that took up the fight.
  11. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    I disagree--I can't believe they did what they did creating "515." Asinine from my perspective and experience hunting around there. Edited: I'm happy it worked out for other areas of the state, but I feel like one of the eggs that got broken to make the omelet. Don't mind my pity party.
  12. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    I believe that passed, according to the scuttlebutt that my friend told me. It ruined that region (500) when they first opened up season 20+ years ago. So much that they had to go back to only a few rifle tags given out. I'm pretty disappointed to say the least.
  13. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    That would be my concern, too. Too many people are spoon-fed information on their favorite media, and if the host doesn't challenge them, or present the other side of the argument, it's automatically assumed as "favorable."
  14. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    The new Bergara B14 Ridge with carbon fiber barrel

    I had heard that they were supposed to be around $1k. Just a touch under the Christensen Mesa price point.
  15. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    The new Bergara B14 Ridge with carbon fiber barrel

    I heard through the grapevine about these, and I can't wait to get one in my hands.
  16. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    The CZ 557 American is now discontinued.

    Savage. And I don't mean a Savage 99 with holes drilled in the roll marks.
  17. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Is there a (deer) doctor in the house?

    C’mon, I think this whole thread was just an excuse for this #humblebrag Kidding—great buck!
  18. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    I think it's a pipe dream.
  19. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

    I couldn't attend, and so I sent an email as well--happy they got flooded w/ correspondence and they've pulled back (at least from what I understand.)
  20. PsRpOiGrRiAtM

    Backcountry deer lever - BLR vs Marlin

    My JM Marlin 444 w/ micro groove barrel has consistently delivered MOA groups at 100y for me w/ Hornady Light Mag and Superformance 265gr Flat Points. I don't do much timber hunts anymore, but it would go with me if I did. Then again, my Savage 99EG in .308 that I refurbished gets me almost...
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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