These are the ones that Shooters Pro Shop was selling as blems--they're all the black/red Accubonds that were sent to Winchester as OEM. Not surprising that you had some of those break off.
There was an issue with earlier ones, just like @brockel said. How old are those rounds?
I had an OLD box of .30 180gr projectiles graciously replaced by Nosler a couple years ago. I also bought some of the blems from shooters pro shop and found the ones that did break off (about 10-15 out of...
Ruger Gunsite Scout is a great option. I love mine--an 18" stainless model that I put in the synthetic stock to shave off almost a pound. It's very accurate, handy, and w/ an optic it's only 8.4lbs. Not a 6lb mountain gun that's the trend du jour, but handy and light, while still being...
It appears to be a Hogue stock, and it's just the outer "sticky/tacky" layer coming off. The actual dip/print on the stock looks like it's staying on just fine. I had the same thing happen on a Savage stock that had a similar finish.
I disagree--I can't believe they did what they did creating "515." Asinine from my perspective and experience hunting around there.
Edited: I'm happy it worked out for other areas of the state, but I feel like one of the eggs that got broken to make the omelet. Don't mind my pity party.
I believe that passed, according to the scuttlebutt that my friend told me. It ruined that region (500) when they first opened up season 20+ years ago. So much that they had to go back to only a few rifle tags given out. I'm pretty disappointed to say the least.
That would be my concern, too. Too many people are spoon-fed information on their favorite media, and if the host doesn't challenge them, or present the other side of the argument, it's automatically assumed as "favorable."
My JM Marlin 444 w/ micro groove barrel has consistently delivered MOA groups at 100y for me w/ Hornady Light Mag and Superformance 265gr Flat Points. I don't do much timber hunts anymore, but it would go with me if I did.
Then again, my Savage 99EG in .308 that I refurbished gets me almost...